Saturday, February 15, 2025

14.2. 2025 Friday - Pam is back

Early start because I want to draw out the problems and their solutions before speaking to Freddie at 8:30.
9:30 - Leong and I head off to Renna to review defects rectification; roofing, lobby light boxes, canopy cabling - it is a good visit. 
1130 - I visit Springvale site to see what Kenneth is worried about, not much but moving forward I can see that Sean will be get very busy. He drops me off at lunch with Sam, after which I go home for a Friday afternoon off - which I might do on a more regular basis starting NOW! 

..and we use it as an excuse for a dinner at No. 40. Pam is a good catalyst - Ivy Tan and her aunties and her children attend. Even my sister attends with Shing and Ashley - the first sit down dinner, and Shing gets a proper look at the house renovation. EH is chatty, making jokes with Pam about her upcoming trip to Scandinavia (he is very knowledgeable and I suspect that he wishes to visit these countries).

I have less of a good time; tired from work and too much sports (the early morning gym has an effect, I am just not aware of it till now). I mentally decide not to have any more dinners at No. 40 for the time being, still plenty to do there; the garden, the furniture, the books, the kitchen shelves, the gas hob, the passion fruit (where are the hooks Sean bought?). 

I thought that this diagram is important for better understand after speaking to TY on Wednesday so I update the presentation and re-send it to him


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