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Sahabat sejati sukar dicari dan ditukar ganti.
Here I am whining about how difficult to handle a toddler when we go out and how difficult it is to be in foreign country whereas one of my dearest friend is struggling between life and death.
I miss her. I feel so guilty for not being a good friend to her. I miss her wedding day and I sometimes took our friendship for granted.
Suddenly the bad news hit me. She's in coma. I never thought she's gonna go through all this. Oh sahabat, be strong. We are going to grow old together.
I keep our promise. I never tell anyone regarding your condition. I thought you're gonna be fine.
Sahabat, maafkanlah diri ini tidak dapat berada di sisimu ketika ini. Aku halalkan segala-galanya dan maafkan dirimu. I know you're a strong girl.
p/s: xleh nk teruskan dah, sebak yg amat, I still remember her laugh, her voice and everything. Dear Allah, selamatkanlah sahabatku...
It's been months since I've updated my blog. It's not that I don't want to update but I'm being very very lazy lately. I haven't get out of my house for days...can you believe it??
2011 has been the year that I'll remember the most. Full with the ups and downs, the frustration, the anger, the joy and everything. Here's some quick recap of what's happening to me and around me since the last time I've updated this blog.
July 2011
1) On 15th July both me and my husband had to resigned from our work to fulfill the requirement for our scholarship.
2) Had to find other nursery for Sarah that is closer to home.
3) I had to gadai my barang kemas termasuk lah gelang hantaran I to survive and to meet our end month needs (i.e duit bayar kete, nursery, brg keperluan Sarah, prep for Ramadhan...) sound sad eh?
4) Last but not least, I applied to do my postgrad study in one of the local university. Xkisah lah belajar kt mana2 pon. Janji dapat Masters for the sake of our future and Sarah.
August 2011
1) Went to Kuantan early of the month to meet someone but the outcome was negative (again, frust nonggeng lagi sekali)
2) Went back to kelantan teman adik dan supaya belanja xbyk sbb dua2 dah xkeje.
3) Sarah went to new taska (looks like she hated it).
4) One fine morning if I'm not mistaken, it's on the 15th August, I saje2 cek ez-offer to further study (which we've been fighting for years...), and the first word that I saw is 'TAHNIAH'. I was like...Ya Allah, and cry on top of my lung for my hubby and couldn't believe that we finally made it. We've been offered to further our study to ....UK!!! Alhamdulillah, Allah has granted our wish. Berkat doa semua.
5) The result was actually came out like last week and nobody had informed us. If only I x cek, how?
6) I had only a week left to register myself and to settle everything, because my class actually had started on the 8th of August. So bermulalah episod kelam kabut, p wat visa and praying that the visa will be ready in 3 days!! Book flight ticket atas ihsan mak ayah, pinjam duit mak ayah lagi (malunyer!!)...sbb duit of kos la xdpt lg dan xtau bila dpt, and my luggage and kemas kain baju is done by my mom...
7) We've made decision that I had to go to London alone first, followed by my husband and Sarah will come later...A tough decision indeed! With no one that I know in London and whereto go about, I was kind of panic. Alhamdulillah, ada junior yg sudi menghulurkan bantuan dan sanggup tunggu kt Heathrow. Zana & Halimah thank you so much for your help. Tanpa korang xtau la K.mimi merempat di mana sesampai di uk.
8) So on the 21st August, I flew alone all by myself to uk. (pg nk bertolak tu semua bangun lambat, pastu angkut Sarah xmandi, mommy ingat lg muka anak mommy hantar mommy xmandi...isk isk).
September 2011
1) Cari rumah kt london ngan Halimah. Sgt2 mencabar dan merobek jiwa. So amek je la mana2 rumah yg ada. Mahal woo rumah kt sini, habes duit poketku tsk tsk.
2) Start kelas, hubby dtg on 26th Sept. Alhamdulillah.
October 2011
1) First guest smpi rumah kami, nije. Thanks sudi dtg rumah kami.
2) Bonjour and merci!
November 2011
1) Second guest, Ain and Adilah. Thanks guys. Pastu g melawat sifu Norsham di Cambridge.
2) Sarah datang!! Yeay, dengan rombongan Cik Kiah sekali.
December 2011
1) Had a blast family holiday. Olla and gracias!
2) Bertinju di Oxford Street. Ada insiden yg xdpt dilupakan. Thanks Nadiah and Sarah =)
3) End of December, dpt biter yg sedih, amat sedih dan memilukan hati tentang seorang sahabat baik saya. Sama2 kita doakan dia cepat sembuh.
And that's it, that's the recap of what's been around me for the past few months. Macam la ada org baca blog ni kan. Never mind, I've created this blog pon purposely for me, to build my confidence, dan mengasah utk menulis.
Hello 2012. Hope everything is gonna be smooth this 2012. Amin.