the year: 1964
the genre: suspense

the cast: Hayley Mills (Nikky Ferris); Peter McEnery (Mark Camford); Eli Wallach (Stratos); Pola Negri (Madame Habib)

the plot: Nikky Ferris and her aunt arrive at the Moon-Spinners, a hotel on Crete, to a less than enthusiastic welcome. The coolness of the owner is only out-done by the surliness of her brother Stratos, recently back from London. But then there is nice English lad Mark to make friends with, at least until Stratos and his pal take a shot at him one night. When Nikky helps him hide she finds the Greeks are after her too.

count: how many blades are on the windmill.

don’t miss: Madame Habib’s pet cheetah.

check out: Eli Wallach as the villain. After seeing him in How to Steal a Million, it took some getting used to, but he makes a GOOD villain.

listen for: “For crying loud out!”

also listen for: “Was she pretty?”

also listen for: “The Countess happens to be one of my oldest and dearest friends.”

did you know: Pola Negri (a very popular silent film star) had been retired for about 20 years when Walt Disney himself convinced her to come out of retirement to make this film.

you can watch the movie in parts, starting here.