bySabrina Jeffries
Lady Venetia Campbell's visit to her childhood home in Scotland takes a dramatic turn when she's kidnapped at pistol point by her father's sworn enemy. Sir Lachlan Ross is widely feared in his guise as The Scottish Scourge, but Venetia remembers her former neighbor as a handsome youth whose attentions she craved. Now a wickedly sexy man, Lachlan's appeal is even more intoxicating … and much more dangerous. Though Lachlan tries to treat her as his foe, his scorching kisses tell another story. And despite his plan to use her as a weapon against her father, Venetia is determined that Lachlan's lust for revenge will be trumped by an even more powerful desire….
Book reviewed by Valarie Pelissero
Beware a Scot's Revenge opens with aforementioned beating and near death of Sir Lachlan Ross. This dark scene sets the tone and pace of Ms. Jeffries latest entry in her "School for Heiresses" series. The novel is set during the turbulent time of the Scottish Clearances when the Highland Lairds displaced their tenants in favor of sheep farming. All that is except for Lachlan; he and his clan have taken to making whiskey to keep home and hearth together.
There is a very nice back story of not only Lachlan and Venetia, but also of their respective families. Duncannon claims that Alasdair, Lachlan's father, forgave the debt, but there is nothing in writing, which is why Lachlan has spent years haranguing Duncannon. Venetia believes in her father, but with the evidence shown to her she does show a little bit of doubt. Not enough to betray Lachlan, but just enough to ensure that there is no bloodshed between the two men she loves.
The story opened with a bang and the pacing never stopped but the book never felt rushed. This could have been just another “mad dash to Scotland” story, but instead the reader learns about the characters. We learn that while Lachlan is barely healed from his injuries, he never lets Venetia know the extent of his pain when he has to chase her down after an escape attempt and rescue her from a wildcat. We learn that Lachlan truly cares about his people and is doing what he can to keep his clan together. We learn that the desire that Lachlan and Venetia have for one another is palpable and it just becomes more intense the longer they are cooped up together in the carriage. We learn that Venetia has always been a dreamer, but when faced with a healthy dose of reality she doesn't crumple like the pampered princess Lachlan believes her to be, but instead rises to the occasion in ways that neither one of them thought possible.
I probably should have guessed at the earl's deep dark secret, but I didn't, so that when all was finally revealed, I at least, was very surprised, whereas others might be quicker on the uptake than me. Lachlan is noble and brave and a wonderful hero, but a little too noble for his own good. Venetia was a strong heroine without being overbearing, she gave as good as she got and I believed their journey to love.
I am still eagerly awaiting Charlotte Harris and her mysterious cousin Michael's story, but until Ms. Jeffries appeases her fans, I will look forward to more heiress adventures. For me Sabrina Jeffries rarely disappoints and Beware a Scot's Revenge is well worth reading. Dark secrets, humor, a lovely romance and a fast pace gave me a book that I did not want to put down. Don't miss it!


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