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Showing posts with label awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awards. Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Response to 'Inspiring Blogger Award'

Soo, it just occurred to me that Relentless actually sent this award since like forever. Better late than never I guess. By the way, is it just me or a lot of bloggers have not updated their blogs in a while. Except I'm looking in the wrong places...
A big thank you to Relentless Builder who probably has forgotten about the award sef...

So here are the rules:
  1. Display the award logo on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. State 7 things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 3 - 7 other bloggers and link back to them.

Numbers 1 and 2 have been covered...So on to the next 2:

7 Random Things about Me
  1. I can't keep an afro. I will just keep scratching the hair till I peel my scalp. Once the hair gets to a certain level...To the barber kiakia because it starts itching even after lubricating and washing normally.
  2. I have an engineering background, an accounting career (mixed with IT), a passion for education (social sciences) and a writing hobby (Arts).
  3. I cringe at typo errors (haha...do I see your eyes scanning for some here?). I always feel it's intentional and meant to disrupt world peace. Why would you make such errors. Why! :)
  4. I do laundry at late hours. For reasons I don't even know. It just seems perfect and right!
  5. I've been practicing this water therapy thingy I blogged about some time ago and it has been AWESOME!
  6. I'm the most silent talkative I've ever met. If my thoughts could be connected to a loud speaker, you'd be amazed at the conversations and role-playing that goes on up there.
  7. I've never been to Eastern or Northern part of Nigeria before :( I had an opportunity to go to a Northern state recently but the universe just misaligned and made sure it didn't happen. I visited Abuja (if it counts as North though) for the first time in May this year.
Soo, thats it!
And ...I nominate the following bloggers:

Was too lazy to add more. You'd sure enjoy your visit to these awesome blogs. Have a great week!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Same message twice + One Lovely Blog Award

I'm so motivated right now. I mean every thing just sent me that clear message today. I woke up feeling like I needed to make some corrections which I couldn't figure out (tough one, right?)

Today was different in a way. I checked through what could have been the potential causes. No clues.
I guess some days are just like that or maybe not. Anyways after all, I decided to share with you what I learnt today from Victor Cheng on dealing with overcoming rejection.

Whenever you feel demotivated remember:

The difference is in that final second... when one decides
to stay lying down or to make the extra effort to get back
up... the most determined people in the world, get back up.

So get back up!

And to my second post in this place YAY! *Now dancing Alanta in slow mo*
Okay Relentless2011 gave us the One Lovely Blog Award to participate in. Enjoy~!

Ground Rules: 
- Link back to the person who gave you the award
- Complete the form below
- Tell seven random things about yourself
- Nominate 15 bloggers

Name your favorite color: None actually. Light Brown and White sometimes.

Name your favorite song: It changes but at the moment it's 'Gbesoke' by Emmanuel Edunjobi

Name your favorite dessert: Chocolate Ice-cream

What pisses you off?: Saucy people,

When you are upset you: Bone face! Lol! I love ironing things out when fresh, so I confront also.

Your favorite pet: Ostrich..LOL! Of course not. Dog anyday!

Black or white?: White rules!

Your biggest fear(s): I added an 's' cuz there are 2 main things. 1. Missing heaven and 2. Failed Marriage

Everyday attitude: Me and my God all the way.

Your best feature: My hair

What is perfection?
: God is.

Guilty pleasure: Food

7 Random things about myself:
Could be seen from afar as too serious.
I love singing (in the shower) and dancing (in front of the mirror)
I hate dust. arrghh!
I am scared of heights.
I want to learn to play an instrument in my lifetime.
Mr procrastinator here
I have big feet. (Size 45)

Blogs I'm passing it on to
Okeoghene's blog
Myne Whitman Writes
Le Dynamique Professeur

I got tired listing. Bear with me and have a nice day!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Nigerian Blog Awards Drama

So I thought within me that it would be very unfair not to talk about the awards ceremony. Live Tweeting at its best, people pulling off the 'Kanye West' as expected.

This post is dedicated to all the winners. Ye all shall be acknowledged hia and below this post is my own mock #nigerianblogawards

But before I continue, who is Chutzpah ooo??? Packing awards like no man's bizness.
Congrats to her anyways...I can't help but laugh at the responses on Twitter. Someone said she should be Obama's campaign manager. Well, on to the next...

To my contenders in the 2 categories we were nominated for, I say welldone but I must acknowledge
Kevin WithanL's blog for winning 'Most Humorous Blog 2011'. I'm coming for you. ;-)

Also congrats to Memoirs of a woman with Chutzpah's blog - Nigerian Blog of the Year.

@Sisi_Yemmie, I don't have the words for you. You also packed 2 awards under our nose...'Most Unique Voice in a Blog' & 'Best Blog by a blogger based outside Nigeria'

Linda Ikeji & Not just ok, congrats!

Now to the blog veterans that did not win. I sincerely think you deserved to but that doesn't change anything.
And did I hear someone request for the Poll results...haba Nigerians.

My favourite Collaborative Blog - Afrosays, with their explosive stories. You guys are the best jorr. You 'n Betty with your crazy stories.

@DynamiqueProf: Nominee, Most Inspiring Blog...You are awesome bro. First visit to your blog and I was hooked. Keep writing more!
@chocberry: 5 awards Nominee...Keep writing too. I enjoy your musings jare.

also I hear @toolsman is a great blogger and his supporters are quite pissed o. I'll go ova there and check out what you have. Good one too. I just did now...Wait, your last post has over 145 comments!!! Kilode. OKAY...with all that traffic, you deserve it.

Now to my awards:
Tatafo of the Year: Linda Ikeji
Out of the Blues/Team Obama Campaign Award: Memoirs of a woman with Chutzpah
Weird but Interesting Musings: Afrosays

See I haf tired, add yours below.
And to my latest new friends>>>@HappyBBB, @Sisi_Yemmie, @KevinWithanL...
follow back on Twirrer! | @moifrequency |