Showing posts with label sponge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sponge. Show all posts




I have been some time offline, very busy and without enough time to upgrade my blog. But during the night I have found some minutes to publish an article about how to paint rusty links. The method is very laborious, but very simple. Although the final result worth the effort. Thanks to all you. I hope you like it.


He estado algún tiempo desconectado, muy ocupado y sin tiempo suficiente para actualizar mi blog. Pero durante la noche he encontrado unos minutos para publicar un artículo sobre cómo pintar eslabones oxidados. El método es muy laborioso, pero muy sencillo. Aunque el resultado final merece el esfuerzo. Gracias a todos vosotros. Espero que os guste.

Use different Tamiya colors to paint each link.

Utiliza diferentes colores de tamiya para pintar cada eslabon.

With a sponge an the Dust And Rust set colors from LIFECOLOR, we will make some kind of chipping effects as you can see below.

Con una esponja y el set de LIFECOLOR Dust and Rust, pintaremos los primeros efectos de desconchones en la superficie como puedes ver en las fotos de abajo.

Also, with the same variete of colors we will apply some rust washes.

También, con la misma variedad de colores aplicaremos unos lavados de óxido.

To create a variety of shades, we will paint in faded green some links, like remains of old green color when the tank was painted with green camoflage.

Para crear más variedad de tonos, pintaremos en verde claro algunos eslabones, como restos de verde antiguo cuando el tanque fue pintado en camuflaje verde.

Now we will add the pigments. In the left (below), you can see links without pigments. Right ones with pigments.

Ahora añadiremos los pigmentos. In la izquierda, debajo, podeis ver eslabones sin pigmentos y en la izquierda con pigmentos.

Add randomly different rust colors with a brush...

Aplica de manera aleatoria diversos colors de óxido...

And then...damp them with a drop of turpentine.

Y después humedecelos con unas gotas de aguarrás.

In some links, we will paint dark areas with enamel colors as you can see in the picture below.

En algunos eslabones, podemos pintar zonas oscuras coin colores esmales como puedes observar debajo.

Now, add dust and light rust pigments again.This is the dusting phase. And as before damp them with clean turpentine in a way to fix the pigments.

Ahora, añade colores de polvo y óxido claro de pigmento otra vez. Esta es la fase de empolvado. Igual que antes, humedece la superficie con aguarras limpio para fijarlos.

Finally, we wil repeat the sponge chipping, but this time using very dark brown-rust colors.

Finalmente, repetiremos los desconchones de esponja, pero esta vez usando colores marron oxido muy oscuro.

The spare links used is in 1/16th scale, but you can apply the same technique in smaller scales with no problem. I think that the look is enought nice to decorate our tanks.

Los eslabones usados son en escala 1/16, pero puedes aplicar la misma tecnica en escalas más pequeñas sin problemas. Creo que el aspecto final es suficientemente atractivo para decorar nuestros tanques.

Thanks for take your time reding this.

Gracias por leer este articulo.





I want continue adding some of the basic techniques to create a kind of librery or archive in a way to compilate the basic stuff but with a updated look. Now is time for another easy technique but which can offer us a nice result in all "old look" vehicles.
First, take a sponge, like the ones used for electronic componets packaging. Use just a piece of it to handle with your fingers, like I show in my photo:

Use a very dark brown color. Must be acrylic and if it is a bit satin, much better! Press down with your sponge over the color (withut any water added) and remove the excess of paint pressing the sponge over a paper tissue or cotton piece.

Press the sponge over all surfaces, specially hatches, details, rivets, hocks, corners... Do it in a random way.

And above, the final look. Of course, in a 1/16th scale is easier, and the look more realistic, but you can use this technique in 1/35th scale too, even in 1/48. You can combine the sponge chips with another chips painted with the same color but using afine brush.

Let's go now for rust stains, usually visible close to big chip areas. This time, we must use a red-orange oil color, like a light rust color. The contrast with the very dark chips will make it more realistic.

Using a small rounded brush, paint fine and vertical lines close to the big chipping areas. Do it again randomly. Some of the satins must be longer trhan others. Make small groups and place anothers in farest areas. Take care, don't over do it!

Now, using a plain brusgh type, stump the oil color with clean turpentine. Don't add too much turpentine to the brush or you will remove all oil stains. This process need a little practice, but afer stump 5 or 6 lines, you will find that it is not too complicated.

Some examples of the finished process. This chipping method is fast and very effective, specially if we are running out of time or if we need to cover big surfaces, as a big armored train, a militrary trailer or stuff like that.

I needed 4 days to cover all my 1/16 King Tiger.... but I was happy with the result.
Thank you for read this and more techniques coming soon.

Post your comments with questions or opinions here or even adding information to help others, please.
