Friday, March 4, 2011

its cool babe~

courses taken this semester were very challenging...
this is not a joke...
really cracks my thick head in doing everything.....
i don't even have time to go home during weekend...
i don't even have time to hang out at malls with my friends.....
i don't even have time to take a very longgg nap...(only a short while-well, it is a nap, rite? ;))

courses of this semester have taught me a lot in dealing with people especially in business setting...
my assignments and tasks are all awesome and cool...

- have to give respond to one of the articles in newspaper whether NST or The Star...
if our responses are published in those newspapers, we will get bonus marks...
- have to make an interactive CD for standard 1 students, based on their syllabus and will be proposed to the Ministry of Education....
- need to create our own webpage, having all of our personal details there including e-resume etc...
- have to have wordpress blog and need to write the blog at least once a week about the lesson taught in that week and marks will be given based on our reflections of that week... oh, we also need to comments on others as well as all the posts will be published....
- need to go to one of the companies that used English medium to see how they work in professional field and make a report on that...

don't you think this is awesome? cool? it is right?
even though it is just like that, looks like simple tasks but it needs a lot of patience and determination in doing all those kinds of stuffs....
i don't know about others, but i am really thrilling with these tasks...
maybe some of you already expose to this kind of things, but not me...
and i have to work reallllyyy hard on these.....

pray for me, please...
i need those prayers...
a lot...

p/s: i will always having problems with the technology stuffs......really bad in that field.... =(

1 comment:

  1. chayok!! chayok!! bie...
    bie bleynye buat..
    dun worri k dear..
    cyg bie..
