Tuesday, September 6, 2011

eid 2011

salam merdeka raya to all muslims in the world..
alhamdulillah i've been celebrating raya for 23 years with my beloved family..
like all,
raya is celebrated with love and happy as we gathered in the family, meet relatives and friends and oh, relatives-to-be maybe? ;)

nothing much to say..
enjoy the photos below..

*with mummy, and abe*

*abe again with papa*

*awesome cousins*


*with anur: model-like pose*

*with abe aka teddy bear*

*with adeq*

*eating when no guests are around*

*guests are eating, mimi is snapping*

*second day in the car*

*raya at hutan rimba?*

*third day: normal pose when nobody wants to snap for me*

*the only picture that i can snap with rizq! i mean the proper one*

*see, he's here!*

*mami n mek look like siblings*

*fourth day: at nabilah's wedding, but no bride and bridegroom*

*again, only us*

*fifth day: waiting for besty to pick up and go for raya, oh rizq is helping to clean up the house!*

that's it for raya 2011..
i wish i can upload all.. hee ;D

i seek for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart to all of you..
may this syawal brings more lights or 'nur' in our life.. :)

p/s: Rizq was not celebrating first day raya in KB.. :(

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ramadhan Kareem

i'm so grateful and thankful to Allah for giving me this precious opportunity to celebrate this holy month with my beloved family...
i have one whole month for sahur and iftar with mummy, papa and deq nur..
yes, only three of them..
but it is more than enough for me..
syukur. =)

last weekend was superb as everyone was coming home to celebrate Ramadhan together.
and we were all happy being together.. :D
the most excited person on earth during that time was Rizq..
he had this whole house for himself..
running here and there..
laughing and rolling..
and sometimes 'pe'el' too..

i can perform my terawih almost every night..
i help mummy a lot..
i'm satisfied with that even though i didn't go out for part time job..
the most satisfaction for me is when i can wake up as early at 4.30am every morning for sahur.. and guess what?
i'm the one who prepare for sahur and i just wake them up at 5.00am..
me, myself could hardly believe it was me doing that..
previously i was the one who woke up late and sometimes i didn't take sahur because i didn't want to wake up..
and now, i'm all changed..
alhamdulillah.. =)
(err maybe it shows i'm an adult??) :p

that's all for now..
happy fasting peeps..
may this fasting month brings happiness for all of us..
may we will be under HIS blessings, always..

p/s: don't eat too much during iftar, yeah.. you might miss terawih.. :)

Monday, July 25, 2011


whoa! what a long rest i had..
been doing nothing at home but have no feelings to write and decorate this baby blog...
i had so many things to be shared with...
i had so many downs these days...
i had also my ups during my rest for blogging...

maybe because i already have something that i can share with,
that is why this blog is neglected days and nights...
i give everything in my twitterland because i really enjoyed twittering far more better than facebooking and blogging...
everything that happened to me,
straight away will be updated in my twitter...
definitely that is the main point i didn't write anything in here...


talking about facebook,
i think my facebook account really needs a rest..
and i give it a rest...
its a good thing for me...
no scandaling..
no gossiping..
no stalking...
no chatting...
and there's a lot more of no this and no that...
but this is not gonna be permanent...
i'll be on again when i'm ready...
so far i could manage it well...


till then..

will be writing again when i feel like to write...


p/s: oh, i really need a vacation now........

Saturday, April 9, 2011

so long part 3

nothing much to update....
working very hard on the web page....
finishing the assignments....



p/s: need to prepare for the exams as well...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

adults must lead in respect for others.

my writing was published.
this is my first experience and it was a success.
maybe i can write more some other time.
yes, for my future career.
(thanks lyla for helping me in googling the article)
(sorry cant provide with the hard copy)

and now.
i'm working hard on my interactive cd for standard 1 students.
hopefully it is also a success.
seriously will be proud if the cd is proposed to the Ministry of Education.
and will very very very proud if it is accepted and use for learning process.

till then.


p/s: this is kind of motivation for me to work harder...

Friday, March 4, 2011

its cool babe~

courses taken this semester were very challenging...
this is not a joke...
really cracks my thick head in doing everything.....
i don't even have time to go home during weekend...
i don't even have time to hang out at malls with my friends.....
i don't even have time to take a very longgg nap...(only a short while-well, it is a nap, rite? ;))

courses of this semester have taught me a lot in dealing with people especially in business setting...
my assignments and tasks are all awesome and cool...

- have to give respond to one of the articles in newspaper whether NST or The Star...
if our responses are published in those newspapers, we will get bonus marks...
- have to make an interactive CD for standard 1 students, based on their syllabus and will be proposed to the Ministry of Education....
- need to create our own webpage, having all of our personal details there including e-resume etc...
- have to have wordpress blog and need to write the blog at least once a week about the lesson taught in that week and marks will be given based on our reflections of that week... oh, we also need to comments on others as well as all the posts will be published....
- need to go to one of the companies that used English medium to see how they work in professional field and make a report on that...

don't you think this is awesome? cool? it is right?
even though it is just like that, looks like simple tasks but it needs a lot of patience and determination in doing all those kinds of stuffs....
i don't know about others, but i am really thrilling with these tasks...
maybe some of you already expose to this kind of things, but not me...
and i have to work reallllyyy hard on these.....

pray for me, please...
i need those prayers...
a lot...

p/s: i will always having problems with the technology stuffs......really bad in that field.... =(

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

comelnya berbaju kurung

owh, this is first time ever i've been tagged in this blog and for the first time i will involve in this kind of competition...
thanks to jalielah for tagging me... =)
actually i didnt realize that it was me..i thought it was your other friend...ehehe

this contest is actually from siti khadijah

now, here it goes...


perempuan yang pakai baju kurung adalah comel kerana menyerlahkan keayuan dan kesantunan mereka....
mereka yang memakia baju kurung akan secara automatiknya menjadikan mereka berkelakuan seperti seorang perempuan, dengan erti kata lain perempuan adalah perempuan di mana sekeras-keras atau seganas-ganas mereka adalah perempuan juga...
perempuan adalah sinonim dengan kelembutan dan kesusilaan mereka...oleh itu, dengan memakai baju kurung ini segala sifat-sifat seorang perempuan yang semula jadi akan terserlah sama ada melalui cara berjalan, bercakap atau sebagainya...


bagi saya, baju kurung adalah satu-satunya baju yang akan meyelamatkan anda semua dari 'out of place' which means kalau anda ke tempat yang formal secara senangnya anda boleh memilih baju kurung sebagai baju pilihan andaa....

baju kurung amatlah sinonim dengan pakaian formal di mana ramai kaum selain daripada Melayu yang memakainya terutama sekali semasa sesi pembentangan professional..

selain itu, pemilihan baju kurung boleh menampakkan bentuk tubuh badan anda....di sini ia membawa maksud bahawa baju kurung kadang-kadang menampakkan anda kurus dengan tubuh badan anda yang sebenar, atau menampakkan keseksiaan anda....

baju kurung tidak ditelan zaman dan lapuk dek hujan kerana pemakainnya adalah sepanjang zaman...walau semoden mana sekalipun, baju kurung tetap digayakan sewaktu majlis keraian seperti majlis hari raya atau semasa kenduri...

*just a simple baju kurung*

okay..now, i'm going to tag another 5 person:
najwa sofwani
suehana roslan

--> tarikh tutup penyertaan adalah 20 february 2011...

p/s: am so excited in updating this entry.... =)

Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm a big girl...

Being a 23-year-old girl, I think I know the true life in real life better...with all the people around me, with all the situations I need to face etc....

Owh, not to talk about others..
Its all about me..being me...
One thing I realize that I am more demanding now... As I buy all the expensive things to be put on me... Well, for me its expensive simply because I need to pay almost everything using my own money... Previously I use lots of papa's and mummy's money that is why the price is doesn't matter for me...Now the price is the very first thing I check when go for shopping... Owh, how money is important and how difficult to earn money...........

Nothing much to write, just thinking of budgeting my financial allowance... How am I going to make those money enough for me..yes, only me..no other person to be involved yet... Difficult thing to do actually because I need to buy almost everything what I want.. including food..I can't even saving for that part... Yes, I'm on diet but still the food is expensive nothing much difference with those who are not on diet....

Okay, enough for now...
Till then...

P/s: I will always believe that money is everything, when we have money, we can buy almost everything including people..... :)

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone via Maxis Mobile

Sunday, February 13, 2011

gtalk now!

Am so excited of having gtalk of my own...
Terrible right? Everyone has started using gtalk for a very long time ago but I just have my own account for that...
So funny of me...
Owh, by the way.. Feel free to add me at miemizahari@gmail.com... :)
We gonna hit the chat room yeah...

Okay, that's it.. Bubye... ;)

P/s: for the time being I only have 2 friends in common.. Oo-hoo what a shame!

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone via Maxis Mobile

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


after a long time didn't update my blog....
then, this entry is a sad entry, unfortunately....
i dont know about others but for me being in a relationship is really3 difficult thing to commit...
if i do commit full of my heart, what about he then??
love cannot be seen, cannot be touched, the only thing can be is felt...
that is why, it is difficult for me to handle...

i hate people who break promises...
purposely or not, i will not accept that...
and even how many reasons you list down, i still will not accept that....
because everything is in our mind...
mind controls us, not we control our mind...
(if there is a will, there is a way)
keep thinking of that idiom, and i admit that it is so true...
we can say hundred of reasons if we do not want to do that but we can adjust things just like that if we really want to do that...
isn't it??

owh, one more thing i hate most is when people cannot say NO to anybody...
if you cannot go along and if you have anything else to do, just simply express it...
things will never be worst...

back to the 'relationship' thing....
relationships will always break when there is another person involved.
and i believe that every relationships that is broken is because of this third person..
if the partner did something that will hurt you, you can just forgive him/her right, except for when it is dealing with another person...
yes, that is true...
if the partner is having all the bad attitudes, you still can be with him/her and at the same time try to be better to each other, try to improve oneself..
however, when it is a very small thing and it is happen to be another person involved, then your heart might hurt so much right....and it is very painful even it is only a small matter..

just give your heart to someone that deserves better...
how can we know who is the best among the best...
some says that love is all about sacrificing.. is it right???


p/s: good luck for those who are in a relationship and good luck for those who are going to involve with this heart thing.....and good luck to all for your loves....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

half way-

Well...nothing much to say...
I'm half way to go...
Can't wait to finish this...
All of them are going to put this to an end...
Okay, I need to have lots of patience+determination towards this...
Everyday is a long day to me...
Aaaa please make me strong...
Many things have come across all of a sudden...
Don't know why, don't know how....

Okay, bye...
Till we meet again....

P/s: feelings of uncertainties...please go away, I don't need you to be in my heart...

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone via Maxis Mobile

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The class of this semester has started officially...
Usually, early classes in this first week are cancelled or postponed due to some unorganized schedule....
Therefore, we have decided to go out for shopping....

My aim is to shop the blouse or dress or shirts....
And somehow shoes and handbags....
Unfortunately, what make me feel depress is......
I AM BIGGER than before....
That makes me difficult to choose the suitable size for that....
When we did shopping yesterday, I couldn't buy a few shirts and blouse because of this problem of mine...
Most of the sales girls will said this: SORRY, THIS IS THE LAST SIZE WE HAVE.... And.... THIS IS THE LARGEST SIZE WE HAVE.... Urghhhh

And one more thing is about my face.....
Now, I regret I did facial treatment at that beauty care...
Yes, I am wrong because immediately agree to do that because of the cheap price was offered...
Now, pimples here and there....
Hope there will be no more pimples to come out and there will be no scar for the already-pimples-on-my-face ....

For now on, I've decided not to upload the pictures of mine till I am ready to face the surroundings....
But, maybe somehow there will be 'ter' upload-pics of mine....oooPpss!

P/s: I am so afraid to meet him during day time because he will notice my bad look at my face....so, let's just meet during dinner and that's it, oke?
Well, yes, I feel that my confidence level is decreased because of these problems.... Ooo-hhoo

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone via Maxis Mobile

Sunday, January 2, 2011

-the holidays end-

the time goes so fast...
the semester break will end tomorrow as i step my feet out from my house...
i did lots of things during this break...
including meeting my school friends....
oh no!
to be precised, i met only my besties...

just to let you know:

nur syamimi zahari
nur amiza makhtar
nur izzati hamdan

these three girls are the third in their family and have five siblings including two sisters and two brothers....
our fathers are actually known each other before we actually met each other..
the precious one is...
mieja and i were at the same school since we were in standard 1 in Zainab till form 5 in
etty was only from form 1 till form 5...
those five years been in hostel together made us more intimate until now....
we shared all the sadness, happiness and everything...

*the pic was taken when we were form 2*

no meeting other friends...
i felt extremely happy...
we did all the gossips...

the first meeting was at mieja's house...
we're having breakfast there and off we went to kb mall
(well, no other place to go)
the first met was really good as we talked non-stop..
about our family, friends, lovers and all....
and about the breaking news we've heard...
that was so exciting...

the second place we've gathered was at my house...
i really had fun by preparing breakfast and lunch for them...
i woke up early that day to cook for them....
we had lunch together with mummy, papa, kak leen, adeq and rizq...
they were lucky because they can meet rizq as kak leen was at home during that time...

our outdoor activity was going out for shopping...
still only the three of us...
still the same place-kb mall...

the last one was at etty's place...
before we were all off to have our great holidays with our family and before the semester starts...
etty has done a very good cooking to us...
shepard pie and macaroni cheese were all awesome
ibu cooked nasi beriani for lunch...
that was really good as well...

*the latest pic of us*

really had good time spending with you girls....
hopefully we'll keep in touch and keep each other updated yeah!
next semester break probably will not be same anymore if any changes being made....

p/s: i noticed that i am wearing the same blouse...hurmm need to buy some new outfit... ooo-yess!
suddenly i can't wait to go back to my study place...
tomorrow i'm leaving...
the day after tomorrow i'm meeting him...yay!

till then..