Showing posts with label merganser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label merganser. Show all posts

Thursday, November 23, 2023

MR Ducks

In between ships, there is sometimes a little bit of lag and I get to take pictures of some fowl creatures.
I believe this one is a common merganser.
It has a pretty cool looking head but don't ask me if its male or female.
One more.
I'm not sure what these ducks are but they look pretty cool.
The water was a little rough today.
One flying by.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

A Common Merganser

 After getting airport pictures, I headed up to get pictures of the Arthur Anderson.

In a loll between shots, I was able to get pictures of this common merganser.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Fowl Creatures

 This pictures span two days.  Often when I am out boatwatching, I have a little downtime.  That gives me the opportunity to take some duck pictures.

This is a Canada goose as he flies by.
I think this is a merganser.
A male and female pair.
I'm not sure what kind of duck this is.
But it looks pretty cool.
Another pictures.
In flight.
Another one.
A seagull.
This is a long tail duck.
Another picture of him.
This one is from this morning.
A goose coming in for a landing.

Monday, June 6, 2022

A Pair of Fowl Creatures

 Once of the things that I like about boatwatching is the chance to see wildlife.  Usually I see water fowl.

This is a common merganser.
And this is a loon.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Catching a Merganser

 One of the things I like about boatwatching is the fact that I get to see some water creatures.

Usually they come in the form of seagulls and cormorants but occasionally I get to see other birds.
I kind of like this one.
I think this is a female merganser.
One more shot of it.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

A Merganser

 As I was waiting for the Alpena, I missed getting a picture of a kingfisher and I saw this guy.

Unfortunately, the picture isn't as clear as I'd like as the sun was still coming up.  It is a merganser.  There were a few but many of them were more out on the river.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A Merganser Passes By

 As I was taking pictures of the Calumet, I saw this gal taking off.

I had to act quickly to get a picture of her.  It is a female common merganser.  I'll have to say, it is a pretty cool looking bird.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

A Common Merganser

 One of the things that I like about boatwatching is that there is always a little downtime between ships.

Occasionally that downtime gives me a chance to get some pictures of wildlife.
When I first saw this guy, I thought it was a loon.  That is until I looked through my lens.
It turns out that it is a common merganser.  It is pretty much found all over the world.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Some Birds on the St Clair River

Between boats there is usually a little time to do some birdwatching.  There wasn't much time between the two boats I caught on Saturday but there is sometimes a little time between shots.
The birds on the St Clair River are sometimes pretty interesting.  Although the river was moving a little to fast for any of them to stick around.  First up was a cormorant.  I always see these on the river, so I consider them my happy place bird.
 Another shot of him.
 This guy was floating around in front of me.  He is a red breasted merganser.
 He did stick around for me for a bit.
Probably my favorite picture of the bunch.  I love the red eye.

Monday, April 8, 2019

A Pair of Mergansers Fly By

One of the things about boatwatching is that there is some time between boats.  In some cases, there is some time as you wait for a boat.  This was a case of the latter.  I was waiting for my first boat of the day, and these guys passed by.
I think this was a male and female pair of common mergansers.

Monday, December 31, 2018

A Pair of Mergansers

While I was waiting for the ship, I saw these mergansers.
 This is a female red breasted merganser.
 The male.
 Another shot of the male.
 He was really showing off for me.
One more shot of the female.  she was a little harder to get pictures of.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

A Merganser Passes By

This was another shot while I was waiting for the Sykes in Port Huron.
I think this is a merganser.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Some Mergansers

While I was walking on the pier, I noticed some ducks off to the side.
 I believe this is a red-breasted merganser.  It's a pretty neat looking duck.
 Looking in the water.
 Just swimming peacefully.
I think this is a young merganser.