Showing posts with label Hardy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hardy. Show all posts

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Perfect Pawz and Hardy

Hardy completed his Obedience Level 2 training last night, getting a gold envelope with his certificate for his trouble. (He refrained from eating it as he once had done with his discharge papers from the vets)  And while he is not perfect (yet) he is much more under control and well on his way towards getting better manners. 
Anna Bradley who runs Perfect Pawz has been absolutely brilliant with her advice about how to get him to stop pulling so much and how to work with him instead of against him. I really like her training ethos. Lots of treats and praise. Behaviour Modification. She is currently working towards her kennel club accreditation and will become the only trainer in the North East to have it.
It was great to see how well all the dogs in the class performed under her guidance. Last night, I suddenly realised that Hardy was not the worst behaved and that ALL the dogs had their unique quirks. Poppy the Boxer who would not recall, Midge who won't sit and stay and Kobie who just wants to play and turn over on his back. Hardy simply likes to pull and refuses to heel. Hardy is brilliant on stay and can do recalls. It is going to take time and working with the walking on diagonals but after one week of trying this, I can already see a difference.
Anyway,  Perfect Pawz covers the Tynedale, and Newcastle area and is based in Hexham Auction Mart. The classes are small and Anna takes the time to talk to everyone about their dog. The dogs really seem to respond to her. If you are looking for an excellent trainer in this area, do consider contacting Perfect Pawz.

I know I am glad I did. And Hardy did enjoy himself (particulary the high value treats of sweet chilli and port sausage) One great tip was to have a variety of treats and move up or down the scale depending on how  Hardy was responding.

Perfect Pawz runs a variety of courses and Hardy may yet go on another one...

My Roman Undone has finally been scheduled. February 2011. Title to be decided. But hooray!

Monday, January 25, 2010

RPJ and hurt paws

I am over at the Pink Heart Society discussing Rupert Penry Jones in the Male on Monday slot.

I am a recent convert to Spooks and really enjoyed him in 39 Steps. It means that I will have to try and catch the new series of Whitechapel when that comes out later this year. And I do think he will provide the inspiration for my next hero but one (ie my current heorine's brother).
And I have finished my current wip and can go into editing mode. After that it is a quick Roman Undone to see if I can write short and sensual.

Hardy has hurt his paw. He is limping and so it will mean a trip to the VET. He is also not letting me look at the paw. SIGH. Hopefully it is something simple but he is such an active dog that it will be hard to keep him quiet. Hei s currently play fighting with his sister...

Friday, June 05, 2009

Hardy and the Vet

My eldest son's prognosis of Hardy not eating any raisins turned out to be wrong. Shortly after I wrote yesterday's post, Hardy developed the runs with raisins...I phoned the vet and was told to immediately proceed to the vet hospital.
I drove rather fast, but thankfully despite seeing police cars was not stopped. A friend who happened to see my car on the A69 did she knows I am normally fairly cautious. And there were rather a lot of police about...
There, Hardy underwent blood tests. One of his urine enzymes was raised -- not enough to be dangerous but enough to cause concern. He was put on a 24 hour IV drip.

This morning, he had more blood tests and his kidney function was back to normal. I went and picked him up -- driving at my normal pace.

While getting discharged, Hardy managed to eat his discharge papers. He also managed to chew his vet bed, plus the newspapers in his carrier. I have agree with the vetinary nurse that it is best for him to be kept on the Pet Plan insurance scheme as goodness knows what other mischief he will get into.

Note the interest in the bandage!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Collies have a sense of humour

Yesterday, I was treated to collie humour. For example, Tess & Hardy knew I was deliberately ignoring them. They also knew that going on Chile's bed is an automatic no. So having failed to get a reaction, they raced over to the bed and lay down. When I called them, Hardy lent over and gave Tess's neck a lick as if to say -- see, I knew we could do it.

Then last night, as Chile was with us (when you are old and a Labrador sometimes puppy pester power is a bit much) I had closed the door to the back entrance hall and Chile's bed. I went to put Chile away and suddenly there was a scurry of feet and two headlong dives as the puppies rushed to lie at my feet, instead of on Chile's bed. They both wore very innocent butter would not melt expressions as if to say they had no idea why that door was open.

Sometimes, you just have to appreciate it.
And Chile is really more than capable of growling and keeping the puppies in line when he wants to.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The troublesome twosome

It finally dawned on me yesterday on why two puppies at the same time is not reccomended -- twins. I know all about twins as my aunt and uncle are twins and growing up, I was treated to lots oftales about The Twins. Basically if one did not think of it, the other did. I should say what wonderful people my aunt and uncle are and how much they each enjoy being a twin.

I suspect Hardy and Tess really enjoy having a twin as well. They have a partner in crime. And if I am extricating one, then the other has time to get into more mischief.

I have learnt:

1. Puppies can squeeze through the narrowest of gaps and if the second puppy follows, they will invariably take off in opposite directions.

2. Do not be fool by seemingly shy and retiring puppies who sit and watch. Once given a bit of confidence, such puppies are often considering Will the oven glove fall of its own accord or can I make it happen type thoughts.

3. Children forget to close doors. Puppies are eager to investigate. Potatoes on the floor can make a great game until the unwary owner trips. Then it is time to play clamber over owner and lick face games.

4. Two puppies snuggling up to you is wonderful. Puppies who learnt to sit or to come when called are magical.

At the moment, they are asleep -- exhausted from this morning's play. Rain equals wet and dirty puppies who have to be towelled.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Meet Tess & Hardy

The lady who had the puppies phoned last night. Apparently they were ready any time but there was a slight snag. The puppy my daughter loved was a bitch, rather than a dog. Did we still want her? As it was love at first sight for my daughter -- the answer was yes. We drove out and picked the puppies up yesterday evening.

My daughter decided on Tess as she is currently v keen on Hardy. So the other dog's name had to be Hardy.

They are being puppy like. Tess has the mostly white face and is standing up in the above picture. Hardy has the tan patches on his face and wears a mask.

They both have their distinctive personalities. Tess is a bit more of a thinker and is cautious whereas Hardy just wants to investigate. Both seem quick.

Chile the Labrador is maintaining a dignified silence and is not very sure about his space being invaded by puppies. SO puppy training time has arrived.