finally found time to experiment with my nomadbrushes !
thats how it is with art...
one can't wait and kept counting the days for new tools to arrive.....
when the tools did arrive, alas the inspirations did not surface.....
then work piles up and the tools lay forgotten and neglected.....
but ah hah, when the mojo rekindles.... there's no stopping itchy fingers :)
The above engrossed was created with all three of my nomad compose brushes and a mixture of ipad apps : sumo paint, artist ink and autodesk sketch.
link to other michellesblueplanet drawings done with nomadbrushes:
1. in search of artful expressions: meow created via artist ink~ michellechoongkhoo search of artful expressions: nomadbrush painting done via sumo paint app~ michellechoongkhoo