Ready for a lesson in
Stampin' Write markers? Ready for a
SCREAMING good deal on how to get the whole set?? Well, first let me show you how this "lesson" came about, and then I'll share with you the screaming good deal!
I had yet another sympathy card to create recently and here is what I came up with:

I used the
Close As A Memory stamp set along with a swirl from
Carte Postale. The base cardstock is Always Artichoke (one of my favorites) and the layer on top is Ruby Red. The flowers and sentiment are both on Naturals Ivory. The sentiment is stamped with Always Artichoke ink and I used the
Ticket Corner punch on the corners. To make it stand out more, I inked up the edges a bit and added a couple of
Ruby Red brads. The swirls were stamped in Ruby Red ink... I really like the way they spiced up an otherwise plain background! I also sponged the edges of the Ruby Red to soften it.
For the bouquet, I knew I wanted to use the markers so I could have a different color for the stems and the flowers. To do this, you simply color the rubber with the brush tip end of the markers. You color the whole thing just how you want it... and right before you stamp it, you must "huff" (breathe as if you're fogging up a window) on the rubber to re-moisten all of the ink. I started with Cameo Coral for the flowers and Always Artichoke for the stems. These two colors turned out nice... but it seemed a bit flat to me.

I immediately saw a "lesson" in the works, so I snapped a picture of it thinking you might like to see the difference a marker can make... compare the above photo to the one below:

See the difference?? Nice, huh? The only thing I did differently was I added my Ruby Red marker for another layer. I used it over the Cameo Coral in different places to give the flowers a more dimensional look.
EDITED TO ADD: I don't believe I was too clear on my description here, so let me clarify... in the first picture, I colored the rubber using only 2 markers, then stamped it. In the second picture, I colored the rubber the same way, but then dabbed some Ruby Red over the Cameo Coral before stamping. Both images were stamped only once - this is not a Two-Step stampin' technique.The markers truly open up a lot of options when you're stamping. This was a prime example! I also use them when I only want to
stamp part of an image. Instead of inking up the whole stamp on an ink pad, I just color the portion I want to use. Another frequent use is when I
sign my cards or
address my envelopes. I use a coordinating color so it all matches the paper I used. I also use my markers to
dye the flowers in my Pretties Kit as I did in
this post. And, of course, it goes without saying that they are just the tool you need when you are
coloring in detailed images because they have the fine tip end in addition to the brush tip end. These are just a few of the ways I use my markers.
Now let me talk about how you can get your markers... there are basically 3 ways that you can purchase them:
1) individually at $3.25 per marker. (Looks pretty lonely, doesn't he?)
2) by color families at $31.95 for 12 (a
$7.05 savings!). Not bad, but I assure you, that box is flimsy and they all get bunched up like an overstuffed box of crayons!
3) the whole set at $125.95 for all 48 standard colors (a
$30.05 savings!!). The bulk savings alone make this a good deal, but the real beauty of purchasing the whole set is first, that you have them ALL!! And second, it comes in a FABULOUS hard-shell handled box with compartments for each marker, along with a chart that labels where each marker goes. Mine sits right on my stamping desk and I never have to worry about where they are, or which ones I have or don't have.
So... would you like to have a set? Let me give you one more option... and this is that
SCREAMING good deal I promised you! Purchase your set during Sale-a-Bration (February 1 - March 17) and get
2 FREE Sale-a-Bration stamp sets in addition to the markers!! Remember that during Sale-a-Bration you get to choose a free stamp set for EVERY $50 you spend! So better yet, add another $24.05 onto your order and receive
THREE Sale-a-Bration sets, PLUS a
Level I Hostess Set,
PLUS $15 more dollars in FREE merchandise! WOW! Now
that's the way to buy your markers...!
Remember that I can help you with your order no matter where you live in the US, and your goodies will be delivered right to your door! I hope you'll take advantage of this excellent time to make this worthwhile purchase!