I SOOOOOO need to be in bed right now, but I made a couple Valentines for a niece and nephew tonight, and they are just too cute NOT to share RIGHT NOW! Both of them use the new
Heart Shaped Treat Cups (you can find out more information on them
here), as well as the
Tall Tales DSP.
Okay, this first one is for my niece...

Isn't it just adorable?! Here is the inside...

I'll tell you more about that "trap door" in a minute. Next is the one I made for her brother:

Here's the inside of that one:

Now, in order to get the candy out, I have found that the simplest way is to make a little "trap door"... this idea came from my friend,
Tiffany Bauer - a very talented stamper. Thanks, Tiff!

It's not hard to do... but it's way too late for me to go into detail. Tiffany has a
video that you can watch, and I just slightly modified her idea. If you have specific questions, leave a comment
with a way to contact you and I'll get back to you when it's
NOT 12:23am. :)
I've got some more Valentine goodies to show you... hopefully I can do that BEFORE Sunday, but my mom is coming to town in a few days, so I'm on full house-cleaning alert at the moment. Can't wait to spend the week with her! I sure do miss her...
Okay... I'm off to bed. Sweet dreams!