In addition, I no longer have a room dedicated solely to stamping and paper crafting like I used to. I have a corner downstairs for all of my precious supplies, and I get down there to drool over them every chance I get, but those chances are fewer and farther between.
Many of you also know that tomorrow, August 24th, I will begin homeschooling our boys. It is my full intention to shower them with every ounce of energy I have in order to make their remaining school years the best that they can possibly be. In the evenings when I do have time for me, I plan to stamp some and I will always show you what I have made. But I won't (and haven't for awhile) stamp every day... I also like to sew, quilt, read, and spend time with my incredibly handsome husband. Therefore, stamping will have to take its rightful place among this list.
I just wanted to give all of you an explanation as to why I've been scarce these days. Please note that I will not be giving up my demonstratorship - I love it too much! So please continue to ask me questions, place orders through me or my website, and share your love of stamping with me... the best way to reach me is through e-mail.
In closing, let me just reiterate that I'm LOVING it here in Colorado - there's no place I'd rather be. Life is good, we're all healthy, and I hope that you are too. I'll catch you when I can... and I do so hope you understand.