Showing posts with label meadow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meadow. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Grass Eaters of Chahala

Title - Grass eaters of Chahala
Size - 15 x 22 inch
Medium - Watercolor on paper
Reference Photo by - Satyesh Naik

Similipal is a wild life sanctuary in western part of Odisha consisting of tiger reserve and national park. It has also been declared as a biosphere reserve by govt of India and UNESCO added Similipal to its list of biosphere reserves in 2009. Of the seven ranges one of the ranges in Similipal is called as Chahala. A friend of mine who is a keen wildlife enthusiast and a photographer while on a birding trip got to stay inside Similpal at Chahala. He has written quiet an essay on his trip and it can be read here. This painting is based on one of the many excellent photographs he has taken during the trip. The photograph can be seen in this post.

The photograph itself was really good and had captured the atmosphere very well. I just added some deers here and there in the painting to make it a little different from the photo. But I guess the photograph is perfect and it is impossible to improve upon perfection. :). So I thought I'll give a catchy title. Something like a movie. Guns of Navarone, Gangs of New York, Prisoner of Azkaban types you know.. :) And the composition itself was so non-text book. Gray for top 2/3rd of the painting and yellow for the bottom one third. Surely does not sound like a great color composition. But then sometimes I think we need to go with our intuition.

p.s. For the next few days I'll be having very scarce or no internet access. I hope you guys do not miss me much during this time. LOL.