Title - Faith
Size - 11 x 15 inch
Medium - Watercolor on paper
A typical Hindu household most definitely has a Puja room or a Puja place in a room. Puja translated to English roughly means worship. Idols or photographs of Gods and Godesses are placed in this little space and everyday in the morning they are bathed, decorated with sandal pastae and flowers and offered fruits and sweets. Lamps are lit up, incense sticks are lighted and little prayers are sung in the glory of the Gods. And after this ritual only everybody goes about doing their work. This ritual everyday in the morning inculcates one very important qualities that we seem to be losing in modern life. Faith. From faith comes patience and empathy which surely makes the world a little better.
The other day my mom was preparing for Puja. I opoened the window of the room and sunlight came rushing in to create this beautiful scene and my painting was born.