Sunday, October 25, 2015

Halloween 2014: Tinker Bell and Turtles

(I am officially a year behind!! Wahoo! :) :/ )

Every few years I go crazy and decide I should make all the costumes for the kids...and so I did. They turned out great! But next year...I'm for sure going shopping!

So Elise was Tinker Bell. I did not make those wings! But I did make the rest. And there is a top that I "re-purposed" into a top for her.

These turtle shells were labors of love by both Lance and myself. They turned out very cool ,but they took some time.

Tinker Bell so focused at the ward party

Ninja Turtle Joey also very focused at the ward party

Ninja Turtles strike a pose!

So excited to be Tinker Bell!

So we have this horrible tradition. We do all of the kids' pumpkins :/ It started when Lance started doing pumpkins for the kids when they were clearly too little to do them themselves. Well now they still want really cool ones that only dad can do. *sigh* So he does lots of pumpkins. :) Mikey actually has been doing more and more of his own, but it's still a lot of dad. And a little of mom ;)

I did the Tinker Bell pumpkin, Mikey did most of his Killer Croc and Lance did the rest:


Killer Croc

Lego Batman


School Parade:

 Bundled up to watch :)

Tick-or-Treating! (The big boys are too cool to do family trick-or-treating ;)

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Principal Pride

FALL 2014

Luke was very excited and we were very proud when he won the principle pride award for October in his class. What an awesome kid he is. We sure love him :)

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Family Pictures

FALL 2014

It was picture time last Fall. The kids were all darling. So I had to include all pictures:)  

...And of course Joey was hilarious. Bribery was alive and well during the shoot as ice cream was promised for all good smiles. Promises were kept and we went across the parking lot to the ice cream shop directly after. As we were trying to herd all the kids into the shop, it was a little hectic. Suddenly, from off to my right, I hear, "Helloooooo Ladies!" I turn to see Joey standing at the edge of a booth filled with women, waving at them all, giving them his best smile. The women were all cracking up. He then proceeded to point at each one, one at time and say, "And what's your name? And what's your name? And what's your name?" It. Was. Hilarious. The women were giggling and laughing hysterically. And as we were leaving a half hour later they all yelled at Joey, "Good-bye Joey!" "See you later, Joey!" That kid. Not a shy bone in his body!

Man, I love these guys!