Sunday, August 26, 2007


It has been so much fun as Mikey continues to talk and copy everything we say and do. But it was the best this day when suddenly Mikey started trying to sing "Old McDonald." His first attempts, as you'll hear aren't as clear, but still pretty stinking cute.

In the second video, after a few days of practice, you'll notice that his skills have greatly improved and he almosts gets that last "O" in there. :) What a cutie.

I wish we could video tape every second of him and put it up here because he does and says such cute things every day! He says all kinds of words (though, admittedly, many sound exactly the same :) Grapes are geeps (sometimes with the g or the p, sometimes without), more is meh....I love it. And just today he started hugging. Melt my heart, will yeh?