Friday, December 28, 2007
Should we be concerned?
The Mexican Beach
Bampa in heaven walking around with his two favorite grandkids ;) (no offense to the rest)
Mikey and daddy loving the sun
Mikey and daddy checking out those waves
Bampa and Mikey pondering the amazing rocks Mikey had found
Sunday, December 23, 2007
More Mikey and Kate
Mikey and Kate going for a drive outside the grocery store (that's Bampa in the back putting money in the machine--Grandpas are the best :) Though Mikey looks terrified, he was actually loving this.
At the top of the Safari. How cute is that picture!
A Mexican Safari
Here's the giraffe looking for some action. Or maybe he wanted to hitch a ride out with us? I don't know, but he was like climbing in the tram. It was pretty funny.
So then we get to the end and they tell us we can get out and walk along a path to see more animals or hike to the top of the mountain to look over the view. We decided to walk the path which ended up taking us up the mountain. At the top no one was telling us about what was going on, but we saw horses and a zip line. So after wandering about a bit we realized they were for us! And better yet, each thing only cost $1!
Heather and I also took a ride around the circle with the kids. Again, I know, the pregnant woman riding a horse.... Well, we figured if it was calm enough for Mikey, it was okay for me. And by the way, Mikey loved it!
Mikey talking to a monkey
At the top with Mimi and Bampa!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Mikey and "Kake" in Mexico
So Sick :(
As I mentioned before he had just terrible ear infections the day after we got back from Mexico. So on Monday, after a few days of antibiotics, the doctor said one side was clear and the other was getting better. We thought, "good, the end is near." But then his fever continued to drive on and he continued to be miserable. So much crying and squirming in pain, it is so sad to see! Then on Wednesday the still-infected ear burst and started leaking fluid. THEN on Thursday the supposedly clear ear burst and started leaking fluid! With a fever still hanging out over 101 we were worried and so sad because he was so miserable. We were going to take him into the doctor for a third time yesterday, but we waited just a little longer and now he is FINALLY starting to perk back up.
YAY!! It's so fun to have our little man back. He is still fighting a cold and his ears are still leaking (I know, it sounds gross--and well, it is. They are quite nasty looking) but leaking is good and is just getting all the bad stuff out. He's out squealing with laughter with dad right now!
But with so much crying and waking up so much during the night, he was just exhausted and lethargic a lot of the time. This picture is from Wednesday night a few hours before bedtime. He was watching a show and got down on the floor on his blanket and was out cold. (By the way, this is how he sleeps 90% of the time--bum in the air and feet crossed--so cute!)
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Returning from Mexico (and my blogger hiatus)
Monday, November 19, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Some videos
One of our favorites EVER:
"Hi Froggie" The whole thing is cute enough, but just listen for the "hi froggie." It's the best part.
Mikey loves talking:
"Andy pweez" Thanks to Halloween, Mikey is now quite aware of candy (andy) and asks for it constantly. At least he is very polite and always uses please (pweez).
"Oh, Man!" This is also one of his favorite phrases.
Our little sports fan:
"Sports fan" He normally claps pretty enthusiastically when playing with this basketball game, but he was getting so into it this time and bouncing up and down. It was so funny!
Our little grown up:
"Big boy" Mikey now refuses to sit in a highchair or use a bib. He also will eat almost anything if he can eat it with a fork or spoon because he LOVES using untensils. It's cute, but mealtime is now the messiest thing ever and we go through a whole lot of clothes. This is just him eating like a big boy.
Hair cutting time
Mikey all grown up! (well, getting there anyway)
We actually took this picture because he was walking around eating a snack and decided to take a seat on the scale in the middle of the room which was funny. (It was out to weigh Brad's bags before he got on the plane.) But he just looks so grown up to me in this picture! Maybe it's just me though.
I know this picture is dark, but that's Mikey holding dad's scriptures and his hand on the way to church. So cute!! He LOVES holding hands now. When we walk anywhere he stops, puts his hands up, says, "Han!" and waits for Lance and I to both grab his hands. It's my favorite thing!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Can Mikey come out and play?
Then yesterday during Mikey's nap time, Lance and I were working in the garage on a few projects when the boy from next door came wandering over. The first thing he said was, "Is Mikey home?" I thought it was so cute!!! Funny, of course, because I'm not sure where Mikey would go without us, but so cute that this 10-year-old kid wanted to play with Mikey. He was sad to find out he was sleeping.
Everyone says they love Mikey, but I never know if they are just being nice. I guess they really do. He is a pretty stinking cute kid, I don't know who wouldn't love him (but I'm his mom).
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Shark Attack!
Do you know what a shark says? Well Mikey does! (Okay, I know they say nothing because they're under water, but we've taught him what we think they would say.) This video also features one of our favorite girls in the ward and one of Mikey's biggest fan.