The historic centre of Rauma is very pleasant and cosy. It has a Lace Museum with over one thousand pieces of lace, many Lace Shops along its main street, a Lace Association dedicated to the preservation and teaching of bobbin lace... And it also has a statue of a lace maker.

The staute, made of bronce, is in Helsinki Square (in Rauma), in the middle of a small park covered of grass and surrounded by bushes and trees. It was placed there in 1976 to commemorate the lace making tradition, which started in Rauma in the 18th century, and still continues today.
The statue was made by the Finish sculptor and professor Kauko Räike (1923-2005).
The statue represents a Finish lacer, with traditional pillow and bobbins. We can also observe in the statue the way the Finish lacers work the lace: they work palms down. In most parts of Spain we work palms up.
In most of the cities that are famous for its lace we can find a statue of a lacer. In Spain we can find them too.
In most of the cities that are famous for its lace we can find a statue of a lacer. In Spain we can find them too.
With your help we could make a chapter where we could admire these statues and observe their differences. If you have travelled and photographed any of these statues, send me please your pictures and I will publish them next to some details. With your contributions, the blog can be much more interesting.