Feeling a Little Wicked

It's self-portrait Wednesday again.

I almost decided not to do a self-portrait piece today,
because I had enough of cameras capturing my soul.

You see, yesterday, I finally broke down
and went to the offices of the upscale dating service I'd joined
in order to do the photo shoot and video segment
they mandate with memberships, a way of preventing
false advertising, or more to the point: bait and switch.

So the photographer clicked away
and I tilted my head and showed my teeth
and tried to look fetching and dazzling.

The whole time I was thinking,
"How demeaning. . . to be reduced to advertising
just to find a date."

Don't get me wrong. Mary did a fabulous job.
The final four photos we agreed upon are wonderful,
and I didn't even groan too emphatically even when I saw
the full-body shots. Even though I have a full body.

And when I get the photo disk I paid for,
I'll do a little montage of the results of me
trying my best to look fetching and dazzling.

Now in the larger picture, I suppose this is part of the Universe's plan
to help me learn the art of self-promotion, because I've taken all these
wonderful photographs I'd like to share with the world
in a more concrete form than blogging affords.

But in the smaller picture, my dignity was wounded
and I needed to do something to repair it.
And there's nothing like doing something you love
to get you back in a place of joy.

A place in which you can celebrate
all the crazy, contradictory things life throws your way.

A place in which you can feel playful,
a little sassy,
a little silly

and yes,

even a little Wicked.

But keep it under your hat.


sam brightwell said…
Fantastic self-portrait today, Meri. I hope it did the trick.

You are so brave. I really understand how you feel , about your dignity being lost in the act of self-promotion for a date. It's not that bad, just a scratch.

I too am playing the online dating game, again, and wonder whether its worth it ~ whether its possible to really connect with someone that way. And why, at 33 I must resort to this in order to find some male company. It feels like an admission of failure in life.

But honestly, you can only embrace the experience and enjoy whatever comes your way. I know you will anyway.
beth said…
I love your attitude about you and life...
you will go places girl !!
poefusion said…
LOL Meri~ That picture is priceless. I can't wait to see the pics from your photo shoot. I'm sure they turned out nicely. There's nothing wrong with trying to find a date through a dating service or even online for that matter. Hey! Everyone needs happiness and how we reach that goal doesn't matter as long as you are safe. I wish you well on your new journey. Have a great night.
Just so you know, Meri, you are gorgeous. No ifs, ands, or buts.
rebecca said…
more than sassy...
you are a real kick in the pants,
and a major warmth in the heart.

thanks for being so real...

Delwyn said…
Hi Meri

dating online or looking online is just the initial medium....

and to show you it can work well there is my lovely blogging friend Mona (for the love of art) in Brisbane who hasn't been blogging for a few weeks because she met a wonderful man - online - and is INLOVE....

good luck and

Happy days
Reya Mellicker said…
Every culture has its own ways of putting people together. At this time in this culture, this is how we do it.

Doesn't seem like self promotion to me - maybe just about putting your best face forward, and letting the universe know you'd like some company, thank you!

Love your wicked, sassy self, Meri! Bravo!
You are so very bewitching.
Dutchbaby said…
This is one of the cleverest self-portraits I have seen in a long time. Wicked! Listening to it in the car right now.

Good luck with the dating service!

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