You know, I love it when something seems to fall from cyberspace....kerplunk...right into my lap. I take it as God's go ahead...his "a-okay" concerning some of these more controversial issues I take a look at and voice an opinion on.
Sometimes I do pause, wondering what the more conservative folks who happen to end up here on my chance or by choice....think about some of this stuff. There are several I know who visit here regularly. But a girls gotta' do what a girls gotta' do...and so I write. And God has been so good to lead me on these exhilarating google searches where the most interesting and varied tidbits of information appear (like magic) on my laptop screen.
Today I was a bit surprised how stumbling on the blog post by Nadia...and the subsequent "research" about her fits so well with what I have been writing about. I wasn't surprised that she is considered a rebel...but it appears that she is very gay inclusive. There is no hint in anything I've read about her that she herself is gay...just that she is very inclusive and supportive of gays. Where did I find a lot of this information? Oh...where I often find some of my best quotes and information about heretics. The "anti sites."
Anti everything and everyone. The particular anti site that I happened upon via google is an amazingly PERFECT example of the kind of self righteous, error exposing, sola scriptura Christians who raise the hackles on the back of my neck. They totally...totally...piss me off. Modern day Pharisees at their absolute best (worst?)
This one is called Apprising Ministries...following is their mission statement:
This time in which we find ourselves is one of rapid change, revisionist history and so called "postmodernism." Is it any wonder that people wonder what to believe, and even who they can trust?
(snotty remark from Cindi...perhaps they should trust the Holy know the Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby (ty Amplified Bible) that Jesus promised would lead us into all truth)
Today faithful believers in Christ face more and more pressure to be “politically correct” — which in the end is simply a mask for relativism. And while the nature of God, and the beautiful simplicity of His Gospel remain the same, the cornucopia of attacks leveled at our Lord’s Church by the enemy are increasingly fierce and constantly changing.
Apprising Ministries is a non-profit and tax-exempt labor extending as a fully integrated auxiliary from Connecticut River Baptist Church (CRBC). Rooted in classic, historic, orthodox Christian theology, AM, as in Awaken—It’s Morning, is actually to be a bit similar to the type of ministry done by Dr. Walter Martin (1928-1989), founder of the Christian Research Institute, only in an updated fashion. The idea is to also handle Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism, apostate Roman Catholicism as well as to deal with issues related to semi-pelagian postevangelicalism and the postliberalism of the Emergent Church in addition to counter-cult evangelism.
As they say in "As Seen On TV" commercials...But wait!!! There's more!!! I found an anti site blog that is a "reader's digest" of sorts...Reformata. It compiles about 10 or so anti-cult blogs under one roof. One stop shopping. You need never be caught unaware of some new perverted, heretical doctrine because this group of "humble" bloggers are on top of things and with all those eyes peeled looking for heretics, none will slip under their radar. Their self description follows:
Because the Church must always be reforming, we believe we must ever be analyzing our faith and practice and adjusting it into greater conformity with God’s unchanging Word. This involves defending the truth by addressing and exposing error, false doctrine, and sin within the body, as well as edifying believers through the clear proclamation of biblical Truth.
(Again, usurping the clearly stated authority and function of the Holy Spirit who "will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment")
This must always be done circumspectly and humbly,
(Humbly? ROFLMAO)
yet boldly and with Scriptural clarity. The cancers of sin and heresy must be condemned for what they are, yet the antidote, God’s grace in the Gospel, must always be presented. It is for these purposes that the Reformata blog network exists. May God be glorified in using weak vessels such as ourselves to proclaim the glorious Gospel of his Son.
More tomorrow about Nadia's sermon presenting her views after the historic ELCA vote to include gays as clergy in their denomination. More about Nadia (the more I read about her the more I like her) and my thoughts and notions about her views and her ministry.