
Showing posts with label Musing - Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Musing - Love. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What is Love...? Part 2

Yesterday I saw an older couple who walked arm-in-arm. So sweet.

It reminded me of this other older couple I met many years ago. I was working at a fast food court in college, and the grandpa ordered two coffees for himself and grandma. I asked if they'd want milk or sugar with it.

He replied, "Two sugars for me, none for her. She's sweet enough already!" Awwww.

Came across this post today. Yes I know it's tempting to just see the pictures without reading the story first (can't help it, I'm a photographer even if I am not actively taking photographs. Guess once a photographer, always a photographer?) but trust me, do read the story, then the pictures become even more meaningful and emotional.

Yes I got teary. Yes there is still love like this among us.

(source: here)

Monday, December 12, 2011

What is Love...?

Husband and I are really homebodies. Our typical day after work and on the weekend is pretty much the same every day - we're on our respective computers in our office, completed with the cat tree and where our 3 cats usually hang out.

He didn't go with me to Florida on my 3 days/2 nights trip. The last time we spent any nights apart was back in 2006 when I went to Mexico for 10 days with school. So it had been a while, even though we did the whole long distance relationship think from 1999-2004 (Minnesota/Illinois in the first year, then US/Australia the rest).

Anyway when I came back, he said he missed me... which was nice... until he said he was just bored without me there even though we were on the computers most of the time. Such a romantic isn't he! :p  I guess he missed my clicking keyboard or me giving him "the talk"...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

7 Yeras

Our 7 years anniversary is coming up. I can't believe how fast time has gone! We also had a 4 years engagement (we were living in 2 different countries then). I love our wedding photographs - we got married near San Francisco, up in the mountain somewhere. I had hoped to get some pictures at the beach (I LOVE the ocean - grew up by it. Missed it now since I'm in the midwest), but the wedding coordinator at the B&B suggested going further up in the mountains instead - I am SO glad we did! Clouds at our feet!