Welcome to my Friday Fun post. This is where I share with two different book parties that post on Fridays: Book Beginnings on Fridays and the Friday 56.
This week I have a few books to share with you.
I'm continuing my reread of Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger in anticipation of the newest book which is being released next week. This past week I read books four and five, and I just started book six.
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Neverseen
Book Beginnings on Fridays
(Please join Gilion Dumas for Book Beginnings every Friday to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author's name.)
Here is my book beginnings for Keeper of the Lost Cities: Neverseen by Shannon Messenger:
From the Preface:
"Sophie stumbled backward, scrambling closer to her friends as a cage of neon yellow flames erupted all around them. Heat licked across her skin and smoke choked her lungs while the Neverseen moved forward, their black cloaks gone, disguises abandoned."
Another nerve-wracking scene in the preface of this fourth book of the series. And heartbreaking knowing what else is going to happen in this scene.
From Chapter 1:
"'We have to go,' Fitz said, bursting through the doors of Everglen's upstairs guest room. He found Sophie sitting alone on the edge of the giant canopy bed, already dressed in some of her old human clothes."
The book starts off right where the previous book left off. From the last book we know they have to run away, and now we get to find out what is going to happen.
From Chapter 1:
"'We have to go,' Fitz said, bursting through the doors of Everglen's upstairs guest room. He found Sophie sitting alone on the edge of the giant canopy bed, already dressed in some of her old human clothes."
The book starts off right where the previous book left off. From the last book we know they have to run away, and now we get to find out what is going to happen.
Here is my book beginnings for Keeper of the Lost Cities: Lodestar by Shannon Messenger:
From the Preface:
"This is what they want. The words tumbled through Sophie's mind as she raced up the spiral staircase, counting her steps, trying to guess which door to take."
Not as nerve wracking as the preface from Neverseen, but originally it had me wanting to find out what is going on. Of course during this reread, knowing what was coming, it was just as heartbreaking, or maybe even more so, than Neverseen.
From Chapter 1:
"'This is a security nightmare!' Sandor grumbled, keeping his huge gray hand poised over his enormous black sword. His squeaky voice reminded Sophie more of a talking mouse than a deadly bodyguard."
I was so glad to see they were back at Foxfire, the elven school, and things seemed to be back to "normal" compared to the previous book. And I love when she describes Sandor as a squeaky mouse. I realize so many of the quotes seem so serious, but there are so, so many hilarious scenes in these books.
From Chapter 1:
"'This is a security nightmare!' Sandor grumbled, keeping his huge gray hand poised over his enormous black sword. His squeaky voice reminded Sophie more of a talking mouse than a deadly bodyguard."
I was so glad to see they were back at Foxfire, the elven school, and things seemed to be back to "normal" compared to the previous book. And I love when she describes Sandor as a squeaky mouse. I realize so many of the quotes seem so serious, but there are so, so many hilarious scenes in these books.
And finally, here is my book beginnings for Keeper of the Lost Cities: Nightfall:
From the Preface:
"Sophie stared at the gleaming trail that wound down. And down. And down. Disappearing into the misty shadows far below. The path of ancient silver and gold stones shouldn't exist - and yet it had been there all along."
Definitely intrigued. What new secrets are going to be uncovered in this sixth book of the series. The thing with the prefaces in this series is, the author takes them from scenes further in the book. But for some reason, I forget all about the preface while I'm reading and don't even realize when I've come to the scene.
From Chapter 1:
"''You remember me?' The question slipped from Sophie's lips before she could stop it, and the weighted words seemed to hit the floor of the messy bedroom with a thud. The wide-eyed, trembling girl standing in front of her slowly nodded, and Sophie's heart swelled even as it plummeted into the sour pit of her stomach."
Well, I'm not going to give away who it is that is remembering Sophie, but if you read the previous five books, you will know at the very end of book five, and it was quite the twist. This character plays an interesting, and unexpected role in the sixth book.
From Chapter 1:
"''You remember me?' The question slipped from Sophie's lips before she could stop it, and the weighted words seemed to hit the floor of the messy bedroom with a thud. The wide-eyed, trembling girl standing in front of her slowly nodded, and Sophie's heart swelled even as it plummeted into the sour pit of her stomach."
Well, I'm not going to give away who it is that is remembering Sophie, but if you read the previous five books, you will know at the very end of book five, and it was quite the twist. This character plays an interesting, and unexpected role in the sixth book.
Now for:
The Friday 56
The Friday 56 is hosted over at Freda's Voice.
*Grab a book, any book.*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader
(If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you.
*Post it.
*Add your (url) post below in Linky. Add the post url, not your blog url. It's that simple.
Here are my Friday 56 selections.
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Neverseen by Shannon Messenger:
"'I'm here to join the Black Swan.'
The words seemed to dangle, waiting for someone to reach out and grab them."
The words seemed to dangle, waiting for someone to reach out and grab them."
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Lodestar by Shannon Messenger:
"You found out another one of his identities, didn't you? Keefe guessed.
I did. But I don't think it'd be good to tell you. You already have enough secrets to protect."
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Nightfall by Shannon Messenger:
"Here sister chewed her lip, leaving teeth marks so deep they looked ready to bleed. 'Then I want the whole story-the one you promised you'd tell me earlier. I want to know what you've been doing all this time, and why you have a bodyguard, and why these Neverseen people keep coming after you.'"