Thursday, July 12, 2012

I open it up...

I sit and stare.  Here.....there......paper and pen or fingers to keyboard....

The words fly through my brain, blurring themselves into oblivion.
Too many, too conflicting, seemingly too scattered to organize.

It's like trying to catch whizzing gnats in a fishing net--they zip through the mesh and taunt you just out of reach.

I'll get there.

Maybe it's too much content and the need to sort through piles of laundry, separating the darks from the lights, the delicates from the wash 'n wear.

I know how to sort laundry.......I know how to drop stuff into doable piles and, one at a time put 'em through the wash.  Agitate, spin, rinse,.....and oh yes--the gentle cycle......

I'm thinkin' I need to sort laundry--cuz I sure SUCK at catching gnats with a fishing net.  :-/


L'Adelaide said...

hi mel, i always feel so guilty when i stop in here because you have posted so far beyond my last visit. you are a prolific poster!

i haven't been online much lately due to body issues... i hinted at them in comments that you read last week. anyway i am wondering about your post and hoping there isn't any more bad news... geez nobody in your family needs more of that. well, i know in your time you will share how you are... keep breathing, deeply, this too shall pass. xoxoxxo

Barb said...

Life is often a big sorting game.
Clean,reclean,organize, undo what we previously done,etc etc...
I can apply that to just about everything in life, and of course, on a material level.

Try sorting tossing and giving away 50+ years of material stuff.
That was our job since my FIL's passing. Hard, hard work... But, we are getting there!!!

mig said...

At least sorting things, they stay where you put them so you can see what you've done. Ideas and thoughts are much harder to sort.

katherine. said...
