Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Things that make me happy....
....gallon glass pickle jars! :-)
....sharing strawberries from my sundae.
....sharing strawberries from my sundae.
....the aqua coloured, flouncy, gauzy skirt.....wayyyy cooler...wow!
....The Bug's My Little Pony collection--which she knows by name.
....The Bug's My Little Pony collection--which she knows by name.
....frozen green tea in a bottle.
....completing all nine of the evaluations that were due this month! Go ME!!
....being referred to as 'geeky'. LOL Seriously....me....geeky....LOLOLOL
....completing all nine of the evaluations that were due this month! Go ME!!
....being referred to as 'geeky'. LOL Seriously....me....geeky....LOLOLOL
Monday, July 30, 2012
In case ya wanna know.....
<-- the waspy dude
<-- breakfast
A glass gallon pickle jar strategically placed over their front door, a bit of cardboard=relocation, relocation, relocation. That's if you're the kind sort......
The waspy dude is NOT kind.
Wanna know what the waspy dude does to my 'waits three years to make their appearance cicadas'?
They stun 'em midair and then drag 'em back to their underground hideaway.....where they promptly place an egg inside 'em and proceed to EAT THEM ALIVE.
*shaking head and shuddering*
Yeah, well.....Not any more! G'way little waspy dude--eat someone elses' cicadas, tyvm.
*listening to cicadas song*
Yup.....definitely sing worthy after 3 years living in the dirt. :-)
Fairy Words for Today
More important than learning how to recall things is finding ways to forget things that are cluttering the mind. Before going to sleep at night, empty your consciousness of unwanted things, even as you empty your pockets.
--Eric Butterworth
Many of us may make lists of things we need to do. We may refer to a calendar for our scribbled notations of places to go and people to see. We may look over our course syllabus for chapters to read or papers to write. Or we may keep it all in our heads, mentally checking off each item as it's done.
But tonight we can put away the lists, close the calendar book, put away the course syllabus, and empty our minds of obligations, tasks, and duties. Unless we want to keep our heads spinning during a sleepless night, we must learn to turn off the achieving and doing sides of our minds and give room to the relaxing and spiritual sides. We can take away the items cluttering our minds, one at a time. Tomorrow will arrive in its own time; tonight is the time for us to relax.
Tonight I can close my eyes and visualize putting aside each item. I will achieve total relaxation and peace.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Sunday's Sundae
First we played in the yard....swing, slide, climb, up/down/roll around........all this woulda been missed.
Then she showed off her bicycle riding skills--all the way to the ice cream store, dontchaknow.....
Woulda missed this, too.....
And then......ice cream with strawberries!
She ran outta pink stuff--I donated mine cuz I'm the Nana and I CAN.
And then all the way home on the bicycle--whew.....that's a lot of peddling for a 3 year old... Dang good thing grandad loves to push on occasion.
Woulda missed ALL this.
Sometimes it's good to just shut off the machine and step away.
Sometimes it's good to just shut off the machine and step away.
Tomorrow.....end of the month stuff will still be there--I can do all that jazz.....tomorrow.
Today it was swings and slides and scooters and bicycles and strawberry sundaes!!
Today it was swings and slides and scooters and bicycles and strawberry sundaes!!
Rut Roh.......
HOLY ****
Yeah, well........colour me stupid.
Did I know what that pile of dirt on the side of the sidewalk was about......NO.
Apparently we have a cicada killer nesting there.......well, someone's in there cuz when I poured some insect-go-bye-bye in there, one huge flippin' waspy dude appeared!
We're talking a two inch waspy looking dude....or dudette......
TWO inches.
k.....in bug terms....TAD big.
And if that's what I think it was...... they're killing my cicadas, the boogers.
Leastwise I think they are, cuz that's what they do.
Maybe they're killing someone elses' cicadas?
Maybe this one's a vegetarian.
k......probably don't need to be caring whether it's MY cicadas or the guy's up the street.
And do I really wanna wait around to ascertain if it/she/he has discriminating taste?
Ummmmm......probably not. Two inches worth of waspiness.....
PRETTY sure I need to help her/him move on.
PRETTY sure I don't want a family of 'em dining off MY/OUR cicadas.
I wonder if she/he will fit into my bug jar.....
I'll suggest that to he-who's-gonna-be-the-relocation-agent-and-just-doesn't-know-it-yet.
Yeah, well........colour me stupid.
Did I know what that pile of dirt on the side of the sidewalk was about......NO.
Apparently we have a cicada killer nesting there.......well, someone's in there cuz when I poured some insect-go-bye-bye in there, one huge flippin' waspy dude appeared!
We're talking a two inch waspy looking dude....or dudette......
TWO inches.
k.....in bug terms....TAD big.
And if that's what I think it was...... they're killing my cicadas, the boogers.
Leastwise I think they are, cuz that's what they do.
Maybe they're killing someone elses' cicadas?
Maybe this one's a vegetarian.
k......probably don't need to be caring whether it's MY cicadas or the guy's up the street.
And do I really wanna wait around to ascertain if it/she/he has discriminating taste?
Ummmmm......probably not. Two inches worth of waspiness.....
PRETTY sure I need to help her/him move on.
PRETTY sure I don't want a family of 'em dining off MY/OUR cicadas.
I wonder if she/he will fit into my bug jar.....
I'll suggest that to he-who's-gonna-be-the-relocation-agent-and-just-doesn't-know-it-yet.
Fairy Reading
When we waste so much precious energy on trying to change something or someone outside ourselves, we usually end up alone, unhappy, or exhausted. It takes great effort and a long time to develop what we truly seek: love, self-acceptance, honesty, and peace of mind.
Fixing or changing our partner might appeal on the surface, but why not put our efforts where we can succeed? What can we change? Ourselves - by becoming less critical we build our honesty and self-worth.
Do I block my own growth when I focus on someone else's action?
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Today's Reading
Expecting ourselves to be perfect at something we are only now learning is a familiar affliction. As we accept our humanness, we'll allow the mistakes that are a normal part of the process of living and learning - a process we call progress.
Our need to be perfect will lessen with time. And we can help ourselves break the old habits. Perfection and self-worth are not symbiotic, except in our minds. And it's a symbiosis that has done us a grave injustice. Breaking the old thought patterns takes a commitment. We must first decide and believe that we are worthwhile, simply because we are. There is only one of us; we have a particular gift to offer this world. And our being is perfect as is. Affirming this, repeatedly, is our beginning. But with this, too, progress will be slow; perfection need only be worked for, not achieved.
The patterns I am weaving with my life are complex, full of intricate detail and knots. I need to go slow, taking only one stitch at a time. With hindsight I will see that whatever the progress, it was the perfect fit to the overall design.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Thought for the Day
You are the artist in your life
You create the images and colors on the canvas called your life. Are you creating the picture you want? Does your canvas convey a life of fulfillment and growth? Or does your canvas convey chaos and despair?
You are the artist; God is your co-creator. Together all things are possible. But when we mistakenly believe that other people control our destiny, we end up feeling bitter and hopeless. In truth, we're in partnership with a Higher Power, or whatever you choose to call it. I call that power God. We make the initial decisions; God carries out our plans. God could not render our lives what they are without our assistance. We are the artists, and ultimately we call the shots.
I invite you to consider a different perspective. This may not be easy to swallow if you are a struggling single parent, someone who has just lost a job, or someone facing other tough circumstances. You're invited to first see whether you played a part in where you are. And the best news you can give yourself is to say yes, because if you played even a small part, there is something you can do to change that canvas of your life. But if you played no part whatsoever, then you may be waiting forever for someone to change the course of your life. And that could be a very long wait.
You're invited to be your artist. And you have at your fingertips all the necessary tools to turn your canvas into a masterpiece.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Reading for the Day
Today will be what we make it. Regardless of the weather, the kinds of work to be done, the personalities crossing our paths, we'll feel joy and peace if that is our choice.
Agonizing over circumstances that aren't to our liking or dwelling on our failure to control other people, whether friends or foes, has robbed us of the happiness that is always ours to experience. Depression, anger, fear, and frustration shadowed our steps because we didn't take control of the only thing that's ever been in our control absolutely - attitude.
It's so easy to blame others for every wrinkle in our lives. But as we grow accustomed to the idea of taking full responsibility for how we think and feel, we'll be empowered. No longer will our sense of self feel diminished. And, as Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying, we will be just as happy as we make up our minds to be.
Nobody can mess with my attitude but me!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Flower breezes
<-- has the red one on the 'puter desk
<-- has it working!
<-- might want the yellow one for stereo breezes!
<-- HOT
Uh huh........102 in the shade......sheeeshh.. If one flowery fan thingy is good, TWO flowery fan thingies must be better......
JUST sayin'.........
<-- has it working!
<-- might want the yellow one for stereo breezes!
<-- HOT
Uh huh........102 in the shade......sheeeshh.. If one flowery fan thingy is good, TWO flowery fan thingies must be better......
JUST sayin'.........
More from the fairy...
On a regular basis, you will likely disagree with others. Don’t let that disagreement control your life.
Instead of fighting against others who disagree, allow those differing perspectives to strengthen your own.
There’s no need to become defensive when your opinions are challenged. Instead, let the challenges help you to further refine and clarify your own thinking.
True success is not a matter of forcing others to adopt your viewpoint. True success comes from making your life a full, complete and valuable expression of your own unique point of view.
There will always be those who think differently than you do. Learn to see that as a blessing, and learn to appreciate its value.
When you gratefully, peacefully, and lovingly accept disagreement, it loses its power to control your life. And you can transform it into something positive that will truly enhance your world.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Things that make me happy....
....the county fair coming!
....the county fair going. :-/
....air conditioning on 100 degree days.
....air conditioning on 100 degree days.
....again with the watermelon seed spitting! :-D
....Mr. Bunny surviving the county fairs' insane traffic!
....smells from the neighbor's smoker......omg does that smell wonderful.....
....MORE hand made cards in my card box! Go...ME! :-)
If you want the world to be a better place, then work to make it a better place. If you see something as a problem, then take responsibility for implementing a workable solution.
It’s a waste of time to prove how bad things are. Instead, put your thoughts, your passion, your energy and efforts into making things better.
When you find some aspect of life to be frustrating, or unjust, or abusive, don’t complain or assign blame. Come up with a positive alternative.
Life changes in every moment. So use this moment to make some changes for the better.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Feeling a bit taxed......
Ohhhhhhh.......baby it's hot outside.
And my brain is fried.
Too much work from home that I couldn't do in the office cuz there was other work to do that interfered with doing the work that I needed DONE.
So I did DONE from home....so I can do it all over again tomorrow.
I think I have a problem with organization.
Or maybe priorities.......I have what I believe is a priority.....and then there's the boss' priorities!
Speaking of which........go figure they don't match!
Yes, I know......different boss and he and I don't speak the same language--however, it's very clear where his priorities are and I'm not stepping up to the plate on that. Yeah, well......might be a bit of oppositional stuff on my part, but I'm thinking I need to get over that.
So....now I'll wander into the great hot outdoors and pretend to enjoy some patio time......while my brain flip flops on what's STILL needing done tomorrow......and while sweat happens.
I hear tell sweating is GOOD for you.
So is a million dollars but ya don't see me getting to deal in THAT issue now do ya?!
Oh yes........I'm suppose to 'not think too hard' and 'experience the flowwwwwwww of things'.
Right......kinda like those out of control rapids in the middle of the river!
Oh yeahhhhhh....definitely goin' with the flowwwwwwwwwwwww....
And my brain is fried.
Too much work from home that I couldn't do in the office cuz there was other work to do that interfered with doing the work that I needed DONE.
So I did DONE from home....so I can do it all over again tomorrow.
I think I have a problem with organization.
Or maybe priorities.......I have what I believe is a priority.....and then there's the boss' priorities!
Speaking of which........go figure they don't match!
Yes, I know......different boss and he and I don't speak the same language--however, it's very clear where his priorities are and I'm not stepping up to the plate on that. Yeah, well......might be a bit of oppositional stuff on my part, but I'm thinking I need to get over that.
So....now I'll wander into the great hot outdoors and pretend to enjoy some patio time......while my brain flip flops on what's STILL needing done tomorrow......and while sweat happens.
I hear tell sweating is GOOD for you.
So is a million dollars but ya don't see me getting to deal in THAT issue now do ya?!
Oh yes........I'm suppose to 'not think too hard' and 'experience the flowwwwwwww of things'.
Right......kinda like those out of control rapids in the middle of the river!
Oh yeahhhhhh....definitely goin' with the flowwwwwwwwwwwww....
Today's Reading
Let go of fear and your need to control. Relinquish anxiety. Let it slip away, as you dive into the river of the present moment, the river of your life, your place in the universe.
Stop trying to force the direction. Try not to swim against the current, unless it is necessary for your survival. If you've been clinging to a branch at the riverside, let go.
Let yourself move forward. Let yourself be moved forward.
Avoid the rapids when possible. If you can't, stay relaxed. Staying relaxed can take your safely through fierce currents. If you go under for a moment, allow yourself to surface naturally. You will.
Appreciate the beauty of the scenery, as it is. See things with freshness, with newness. You shall never pass by today's scenery again!
Don't think too hard about things. The flow is meant to be experienced. Within it, care for yourself. You are part of the flow, an important part. Work with the flow. Work within the flow. Thrashing about isn't necessary. Let the flow help you care for yourself. Let it help you set boundaries, make decisions, and get you where you need to be when it is time. You can trust the flow, and your part in it.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
*looking for the trashcan*
Lemme just say that Red Solo Cups are becoming a tad annoying.... LOL
It's been bumper to bumper and wall to wall people.
Every night--three nights running.
The last two nights have been spectacular and I've been reduced to repetitiously saying...."wow.....really?....."
We're talking 30 times more people for a concert than the population of this bitty town.
One week out of the year, Mel.
Next week I won't be:
Lemme just say that Red Solo Cups are becoming a tad annoying.... LOL
It's been bumper to bumper and wall to wall people.
Every night--three nights running.
The last two nights have been spectacular and I've been reduced to repetitiously saying...."wow.....really?....."
We're talking 30 times more people for a concert than the population of this bitty town.
One week out of the year, Mel.
Next week I won't be:
- picking up other people's litter
- stopping traffic to safely let Mr. Bunny cross
- smiling at strangers and giving directions
- advising party buses and limos that the 'No Parking Any Time' sign really DOES apply to them--but should they care to ignore it odds are they'll be talking with the sheriffs (who park there nightly for added security and easy exit for emergencies)
- watching semi-truck and trailers try to make their way down narrow streets first thing in the morning
- smelling incredible things that I CAN'T eat
- listening to concert performances from my patio
- saying 'sure--just pull into the yard next to the garage'
- watchin' fireworks nightly cuz ya can't 'zackly ignore 'em
- stirring stuff in the crockpot for easy eating purposes..for anyone/everyone who happens by
- directing traffic so folks we know can get in and out of their borrowed parking spaces (aka Mel's yard)
- waiting for the noise from the beer tents to decrease so sleep can happen
- collecting abandoned Red Solo Cups *laughing*
ONE week out of the year....
It's only 8am and already folks are wandering through on their way to watch the stock cars....kicking at the Red Solo Cups as they're traipsing through the yard....
I'm putting a trashcan out for their convenience!
Now why didn't I think of that earlier this week......
Fairy Wisdom for the Day
We need not take life so seriously. In fact, we shouldn't take it so seriously.
We can measure our emotional health by how heartily we laugh with others and at ourselves.
The 24 hours stretching before us at this time promises many choices in attitude.
We can worry, be mad, depressed, or frustrated, or we can trust our higher power to see us through whatever the situation.
So, we can relax. It is our decision, the one decision over which we are not powerless.
I will be in control of my attitude today. I can have the kind of day I long for.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Daily Reading
Feeling stressed in certain situations, or with certain tasks, or with certain people, is not a foregone conclusion.
Rather, it’s a way you choose to respond.
Instead of seeing yourself as fighting against the challenges, you can see yourself as thriving on them, and even enjoying them.
Even when people and situations are extremely difficult, you can find great fulfillment in calmly working through them.
You can let others be stressed and angry and frustrated. All the while, you can choose to be peaceful and productive.
Life’s difficulties don’t have to bring you down, because you have what it takes to lovingly and purposefully deal with them.
Choose to respond with a positive perspective, and leave the stress behind.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Today's Fairy Thought
Take time to celebrate.
Celebrate your successes, your growth, and your accomplishments. Celebrate you and who you are.
For too long you have been too hard on yourself. Others have spilled their negative energy - their attitudes, beliefs, and pain - on you. It had nothing to do with you! All along, you have been a gift to yourself and to the Universe.
You are a child of God. Beautiful, a delight, a joy. You do not have to try harder, be better, be perfect, or be anything you are not. Your beauty is in you, just as you are each moment.
Celebrate that.
When you have a success, when you accomplish something, enjoy it. Pause, reflect, and rejoice. Too long you have listened to admonitions not to feel good about what you have done, lest you travel the downward road to arrogance.
Celebration is a high form of praise, of gratitude to the Creator for the beauty of God's creation. To enjoy and celebrate the good does not mean that it will be taken from you. To celebrate is to delight in the gift, to show gratitude.
Celebrate your relationships! Celebrate the lessons from the past and the love and warmth that are there today. Enjoy the beauty of others and their connection to you.
Celebrate all that is in your life. Celebrate all that is good. Celebrate you!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Reading for the Day
Negativity is a waste of your precious time. You deserve much better, so give the very best of life to yourself.
When you catch the slightest bit of negativity creeping into your thoughts, visualize yourself taking hold of it and then simply letting it drop to the ground. Feel the spark of energy that comes from your newly gained freedom, and step positively forward.
Worries are worthless, so don’t bother with them. Resentment over a difficult situation actually makes that situation worse, so remind yourself there’s no point in it.
Limitless abundance and great value are here to be found in this moment.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Yes, I can work faster at home........and btw.....
'Course this wasn't how I termed it for the new boss.
I asked PERMISSION to do some work from the house after several required reports went *POOF* because of (what I'm believing) is a work server issue. Now, I could be wrong about that.....but gee...no issue with that happening from the house.
YES.......issue with it happening MULTIPLE times from the worksite...from the agency's server.
MULTIPLE......it was starting to cost me tooooo many quarters for 'inappropriate language'.
Yeah, well......
I figured I better alert the IT fellas-- and I told 'em "HOUSTON........we have a problem....."
Ummmmmm......both of them were confused by the "HOUSTON" bit.
Should I be rolling my eyes that they had NO clue what that referred to.....or should I just happily celebrate that I was able to do the required things that kept going *POOF* at work...successfully! FINALLY. YIPPEE and WoooooHOOOOOOO!!!!!
Gee.......decisions, decisions.
WHADDA they MEAN they have no clue what "Houston.....we have a problem" means.......
Oybrother...... GOOGLE IT!!
*rolling eyes*
I asked PERMISSION to do some work from the house after several required reports went *POOF* because of (what I'm believing) is a work server issue. Now, I could be wrong about that.....but gee...no issue with that happening from the house.
YES.......issue with it happening MULTIPLE times from the worksite...from the agency's server.
MULTIPLE......it was starting to cost me tooooo many quarters for 'inappropriate language'.
Yeah, well......
I figured I better alert the IT fellas-- and I told 'em "HOUSTON........we have a problem....."
Ummmmmm......both of them were confused by the "HOUSTON" bit.
Should I be rolling my eyes that they had NO clue what that referred to.....or should I just happily celebrate that I was able to do the required things that kept going *POOF* at work...successfully! FINALLY. YIPPEE and WoooooHOOOOOOO!!!!!
Gee.......decisions, decisions.
WHADDA they MEAN they have no clue what "Houston.....we have a problem" means.......
Oybrother...... GOOGLE IT!!
*rolling eyes*
Fairy Thought for Today
Don’t let what you cannot do get in the way of what you can do. Just get busy, do your best at what you’re able to do, and make a positive difference.
If you focus on all the negative factors that you cannot control, the only thing you’ll get is frustration. Instead, put your thoughts, efforts and energy into the many good and valuable things you can do.
When you feel overwhelmed by your situation, the answer is not to give up. The answer is to get going.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Hopeful Blue Ribbon Winners
THE bestest part of county fairs.........kiddos showing off their critters!
They're just too cute!
The kiddos......and the critters.....
Things that make me happy.....
....the old fart showing up and sitting next to me at the meeting.
....homemade ice cream!
....Archimedes hoarding corn in his little cheeks.
....the wren coming back to his little birdie house.
....fried zucchini.......yummmmmm!
....homemade ice cream!
....Archimedes hoarding corn in his little cheeks.
....the wren coming back to his little birdie house.
....fried zucchini.......yummmmmm!
....big, fat raindrops after a dry spell.
....the words "oh, just get in the Jeep....." :-D
....big, fat raindrops after a dry spell.
....the words "oh, just get in the Jeep....." :-D
Thought for the Day
There is goodness in this moment. Accept it, embrace it and enlarge it.
There is undisturbed peace deep within you. Feel it, express it, and put its powerful, profound energy to use.
There is a purpose to your life in this moment, on this day. Connect your awareness to that authentic purpose and bring it to life with your actions.
The beauty of being is in you and all around you. See that beauty in everything you encounter and let it bring you joy.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Life is a lot of trouble. And life is worth all the trouble.
The best things can often be the most difficult things. So instead of running or hiding from the difficulties, courageously work through them.
Life is filled with great and valuable opportunities. The most valuable of those opportunities are the ones that ask the most of you.
When the frustrations come, be thankful for the chance to learn from them. When the disappointments come, be grateful for the opportunity to reaffirm and recommit to what’s most important.
Life’s many troubles will come and go. As they do, the positive possibilities grow more numerous and magnificent.
Embrace each day along with whatever it brings. And use it to add more joy to life no matter what.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Happy Corn and Irritating Mel
Apparently I've gotten a bit irritating. Or so I was informed (NOT that this is a surprise to ME!).
I smile about all the sunshine and warmth and keep planting myself on the patio, doing what I do. And I'm happy for the ability to do that.
Seems they're good with it--until there's 'too much of it'. Apparently there's been too much of it. Even I know that--the grass isn't happy grass though it does make for wayyyyyyyyyy less mowing.
*ahem* Yes, well......I'm 'irritating' cuz it just is what it is.
So yesterday when I looked up and saw darkness approaching.....off I whizzed.
Mostly cuz I love clouds and storms and pretending I'm a storm chaser.....
k.....well, I'm a whimpy storm chaser--that first flash of lightening and I'm OUTTA there!
There's a WHOLE lotta wide-open spaces and I do NOT wanna be the tallest thing.
Yup--wind, darkness happened, swirly clouds, dropped 10 degrees in mere minutes......and RAIN!!
HOLY cow, rain.....
The beans are happy!
The corn is happy!
Now--you'da thought all that rain woulda pleased at least the MAIN one I was irritating.
"Made it sultry and humid as hell"......he says.
I handed him a cuppa coffee, told him to plant in in the chair and try a bit of gratitude.
"I AM grateful......for you serving me coffee.... Maybe a donut too--they're over on the counter. I like the ones with sprinkles......."
*rolling eyes*
Be kind to yourself.
Learn from your mistakes, but don’t hound yourself relentlessly with them. Build for the future, but don’t withhold from yourself the joys that you can live right now.
Delight in life’s pleasures without sinking into meaningless excess. Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you as it resonates with the beauty that is within you.
Find genuine satisfaction in productive, meaningful effort. Give the best that you have, and discover the real, lasting treasures you receive from doing so.
Provide yourself with the energy, commitment and determination to do much. And regularly give yourself some peaceful, relaxing time to do nothing.
Treat yourself with kindness, courtesy, respect and the highest of expectations. For life is as good as you choose to make it.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Oh MY G O S H.
It's a mass graveyard on the patio--of which I refuse to photograph.
It's like Auschwitz.....a bazillion dead Japanese Beetles. (this isn't ALL bad--at least they're dead.....they were consuming my buddleia's and the maple tree for goodness sakes......)
But barefoot hasn't been an option for days now......which is just ucky!!
But the hose came out and the patio is cleared off.
The birdie bath is now clean. Geeze that sucker gets uckier than ucky........ewwwww.....
Flowers are watered and I've managed to wash off the patio swing.
I have a bottle of green tea, food for the birdies, linen is in the washmachine (the gift that keeps on giving dontchaknow......).....
AND there's a dozen or so ears of freshly picked sweetcorn in the basement ready for husking.
Yeah......there goes the clean patio! LOL
OH!! Another excuse to play in water!! :-)
It's a mass graveyard on the patio--of which I refuse to photograph.
It's like Auschwitz.....a bazillion dead Japanese Beetles. (this isn't ALL bad--at least they're dead.....they were consuming my buddleia's and the maple tree for goodness sakes......)
But barefoot hasn't been an option for days now......which is just ucky!!
But the hose came out and the patio is cleared off.
The birdie bath is now clean. Geeze that sucker gets uckier than ucky........ewwwww.....
Flowers are watered and I've managed to wash off the patio swing.
I have a bottle of green tea, food for the birdies, linen is in the washmachine (the gift that keeps on giving dontchaknow......).....
AND there's a dozen or so ears of freshly picked sweetcorn in the basement ready for husking.
Yeah......there goes the clean patio! LOL
OH!! Another excuse to play in water!! :-)
Fairy Reading
It may seem strange to express gratitude while in the midst of trouble and difficulty. Yet that gratitude can help to shine a positive, empowering light on any situation.
If you allow yourself to be overwhelmed with negativity, all you can see are the problems. When you choose instead to find something for which to be thankful, you start to see the all the many good and positive resources available to you.
In the most difficult situations you can often find the most valuable opportunities. Gratitude will open your eyes to those opportunities.
Always, there is a positive aspect to be found. Always, there is something for which you can be genuinely thankful.
And the more challenging the situation, the more essential it is to have something positive to hold on to. Find something real to be thankful for, and you’ll find yourself moving forward.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Into everyone's life.....
......a little rain must fall......
Thank goodness for that.
It's been seriously dry here.
Horribly so.
I'm catching water from the downspout and watering plants in the rain.
They're grateful......I can tell.
And the rain on the skirt will take out the few wrinkles I was obsessing over.
Life is good.........
k........off to work I go.
Thank goodness for that.
It's been seriously dry here.
Horribly so.
I'm catching water from the downspout and watering plants in the rain.
They're grateful......I can tell.
And the rain on the skirt will take out the few wrinkles I was obsessing over.
Life is good.........
k........off to work I go.
Today's Reading
When the many distractions of life put you in danger of losing focus, stop and give yourself an opportunity to regain clarity. Remember the depth of passion with which you first started your journey.
When it seems that nothing is going your way, stop and make some time to adjust your perspective. Recall how far you’ve already come, and remind yourself that positive actions will indeed have positive, valuable results.
When you find that you’ve grown weary, stop and give yourself a real, refreshing, well-deserved break. Then you can jump back into the effort with a renewed vigor and sense of purpose.
When you feel that you’ve lost faith in the goodness of life, stop and look around you. Offer your genuine help to someone in need, and you’ll find that your heart is soon being healed.
When you find yourself too caught up in the frustrations that surround you, stop and remember the treasures you value most deeply. And you’ll reconnect to the incredible abundance that is your life.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
I open it up...
I sit and stare. Here.....there......paper and pen or fingers to keyboard....
The words fly through my brain, blurring themselves into oblivion.
Too many, too conflicting, seemingly too scattered to organize.
It's like trying to catch whizzing gnats in a fishing net--they zip through the mesh and taunt you just out of reach.
I'll get there.
Maybe it's too much content and the need to sort through piles of laundry, separating the darks from the lights, the delicates from the wash 'n wear.
I know how to sort laundry.......I know how to drop stuff into doable piles and, one at a time put 'em through the wash. Agitate, spin, rinse,.....and oh yes--the gentle cycle......
I'm thinkin' I need to sort laundry--cuz I sure SUCK at catching gnats with a fishing net. :-/
The words fly through my brain, blurring themselves into oblivion.
Too many, too conflicting, seemingly too scattered to organize.
It's like trying to catch whizzing gnats in a fishing net--they zip through the mesh and taunt you just out of reach.
I'll get there.
Maybe it's too much content and the need to sort through piles of laundry, separating the darks from the lights, the delicates from the wash 'n wear.
I know how to sort laundry.......I know how to drop stuff into doable piles and, one at a time put 'em through the wash. Agitate, spin, rinse,.....and oh yes--the gentle cycle......
I'm thinkin' I need to sort laundry--cuz I sure SUCK at catching gnats with a fishing net. :-/
The Giving Fairy
When you give more than you expect to receive, you’ll end up receiving more than you ever expected. That which you give, comes back to you many times over, while that which you withhold never goes anywhere or accomplishes anything.
Nothing makes you feel more positive about yourself than giving of yourself to others. And when you truly, sincerely feel positive about yourself, you can achieve magnificent things.
If all you’re ever concerned with is what’s in it for you, there will never be very much in it for you. Yet when you expand your focus and give the best you have, in return you’ll experience the best there is.
If you wait to receive something first before you ever begin to give, you’ll miss out on ninety percent of life’s best opportunities. Unfortunately, that’s an approach that all too many people adopt.
But there’s no need to be held back by the shortsightedness of others. Take the first step, give of yourself, with enthusiasm, with positive energy, and with the best of expectations. Keep it up, and you’ll find that those expectations, high as they may be, will always, in time, be greatly exceeded by the positive and valuable difference you make.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Most bushes and small trees need trimming every year. They have branches that hang out over the sidewalk and get in people's way. Sometimes the branches grow so long and low to the ground that the tree looks weighted down.
Jealousy is like an overgrown branch -it weighs us down. It is one of those feelings all of us deal with. We may be jealous of someone's looks or talent, or maybe even their good luck. Like the overgrown branches, jealousy sticks out all over and gets in other people's way as well as our own. It is a part of us we need to keep cutting back.
If we are good gardeners, we will get out the clippers. Seeing and talking about our jealousy is the best way to start using those clippers. If we do this, our own leaves will be healthier, and our blossoms will grow.
Is there someone I am jealous of?
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