Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Oh, what a hectic frantic BUSY day.

And why, pray tell, was I dressed so nicely? saying is the REST of the time I look like a slob?

No, no, no.....that's not what they were saying!
....Just that I was dressed in 'fancy dress'....meaning fancier than normal, bit out of the realm of work place material.

Ah! Well, that's cuz himself told me he was going to take me out to dinner this evening!

Hence, the flash slacks, fancy top, heels and hose.
Yup....bit overdressed for work--but! Dinner was gonna happen.

And with the long hours at the worksite/hours at home DOING worksite work--a a very good thing.

Sooooo......Bunch of unfun things at work.....stuff I coulda been a part of the solution for--which might have meant a need to hang around a bit late.....folks were very kindly in making the arrangments to do that themselves.

Very kind, indeed. Cuz they wanted to not interfere with himself taking me out to dinner tonight.....very, very kind..... I work with kindly people, yaknow?

Just so ya know-----I had a GREAT salad served to me this evening. Yup..brought to me in the livingroom where I was sitting with my flash slacks, fancy top, heels and hose!

"Right then....I'm off to dinner with my mate!!"

*ding ding ding!!*

Smile and nod...."Have a great time. Where are you guys going for dinner?"

*shaking head*

Oh, well.....
Truly, I DO hope they have a good time.

After 5 years of marriage to The Brit ---I STILL have moments when I need an interpreter.

Mate does NOT = WIFE
Mate DOES = Buddy/good friend


It was a very lovely salad.....
And for the first time in the past three weeks I actually got out of work ON time!

Woooooohooooooo for ME?



katherine. said...

that is too funny...all dressed in hose and everything!

Fire Byrd said...

Sure does mate!
A term I use an awful lot.

I, Like The View said...

oh? oh! oh. . .

I hope you had a restful evening


Mel said...

I had a quiet evening...and a "I took care of Wednesday business" evening.
But the quiet was wonderful.
And the salad was great!
And getting out of flash slacks, fancy top, hose and heels--GRAND! LOL

Duh if I don't know what 'mate' really means?

I, Like The View said...

one of my friends from years ago now used to refer to various good friends as "me old mucker" - English is a very strange language. . .

("good day mate" always sounds Australian to me)

one of my favourite parts of the day has become changing out of day-wear into comfortable gear for the evening - my, how times have changed! I used to change to get dressed up to go out in the evening!


Ron said...

Oh, Mel...what a cute little clipit from your life, you share!!!

This story made me SMILE!

And I bet you looked FAAAAAAABULOUS too!

*whistling at you...woo! woo!


Pamela said...

What a clever woman... crafty.
And I've never seen that universal sign for interpreter. Neat.

The CEO said...

You have made my day again...thank you!

Anonymous said...

Oh LOL!!!
Mate! Wife! Oh dear :)
Well I'm glad you had a a quiet,early evening and I hope he had a good time.

Oh so easily done *giggle* I've been there a few times :)