I decided to purchase the thread package from Vikki Clayton's Hand-Dyed Fibers website. Although I love her silk thread and it is a joy to stitch with, I was not happy with a few of the color conversions, and this had kept me from starting this design. It is hard for me to match colors from pictures on a website, so I finally decided to just replace the colors that I didn't like with threads from my stash. So, after a couple of missteps here and there, I have finally arrived at my own unique conversion for this design. It is mostly HDF silk, but with about 4 GAST threads as well.
So, here is my start on Strawberry Fields Farm. I stitched my first Queen Stitches on this section as well. They were not as hard as I had been led to believe, which leaves me with the uneasy feeling that perhaps I did not do them right. Also, I also received this blog award from Lynn this week. Thank you so very much! I am supposed to list 5 different addictions, so here it goes:
2. Coffee (McDonalds and Dunkin' Donuts being preferred)
3. 24 (the television show with Kiefer Sutherland)
4. Internet (stitching forums and blogs; news sites as well)
5. Baking (bread, cakes, cookies, muffins...)
I'll pass this award on to the following enjoyable blogs:
Kendra at the Stitching HourStephanie at Stephanie's Stitching and Musings
Cathy at No Sampler Left Behind
Debby at The Stitching Wizard
Stephanie at In Stitches
It has been a long time since my last post, and the main reason behind this is we have been experiencing internet connection problems. It seems to be intermittent. Sometimes we can connect and be on 30 minutes or so before it disconnects and freezes, but other times we can't even get it to connect at all. My husband has been working at it, downloading updates and such, and it has improved, but it is still not as it should be. I am ready to get another service provider (being as this is an addiction and all). But anyway, it stayed up long enough for me to make this post :-)
Enjoy your stitching, one and all!