Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Yesterday, my sweet boy was such a good little boy! He was so happy and playful and was so good while mommy was sick.  Friday night at work, they fed us pizza.... and ever since than, I have been sicker than a dog... I have lost about 7 pounds!  Wahoo, great way to start a diet!  Today I am going to try real food!  Since stopping breast feeding I have lost 11 pounds! 

Timothy Carter loves to play in his little jungle that Marty and Mary let us borrow.  He rolled over 5 times yesterday.  4 times on his right side and 1 on his left.  The Mobility has started... Besides the rolling over skills yesterday, he also wouldn't stop talking to me.. he would make noises for an hour straight after each feeding!  It was so fun to just listen to him and talk to him back. 

I also was trying to clip the little guys nails while he was playing in the jungle since that kept him occupied.  Well... I got a little to close when clipping his thumb nail and got some skin as well.  Poor little guy was bleeding!  I felt awful!  He only cried for a minute... what a tough little guy!  I wrapped his little thumb up and put little mittens on so that he wouldn't try to rip it off or suck on his fingers.  By last night it is starting to look much better and healing. 

On Monday, we went to the Doctors to see how he is doing just cause  he spits up so much. He prescribed Prevacid.  Timothy Carter currently weighs 10pds 9 oz. He is getting big, but still on the low end of the scale.
He started spitting up more yesterday all day and so I was worried that this medicine was making it worse.. but all of a sudden last night he just stopped spitting up.. and he hasn't spit much up since!  So just  maybe this is helping.  Unfortunately, this cost $50. 

On Monday night Timothy Carter Slept 7 hours! yay!  I thought this was the start of a good thing.  He has done it before but then the next night it was back to 4 or 5 hours.. well same thing happened last night was 4am and again at 7:30am.  Silly guy!

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