Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Yesterday, my sweet boy was such a good little boy! He was so happy and playful and was so good while mommy was sick.  Friday night at work, they fed us pizza.... and ever since than, I have been sicker than a dog... I have lost about 7 pounds!  Wahoo, great way to start a diet!  Today I am going to try real food!  Since stopping breast feeding I have lost 11 pounds! 

Timothy Carter loves to play in his little jungle that Marty and Mary let us borrow.  He rolled over 5 times yesterday.  4 times on his right side and 1 on his left.  The Mobility has started... Besides the rolling over skills yesterday, he also wouldn't stop talking to me.. he would make noises for an hour straight after each feeding!  It was so fun to just listen to him and talk to him back. 

I also was trying to clip the little guys nails while he was playing in the jungle since that kept him occupied.  Well... I got a little to close when clipping his thumb nail and got some skin as well.  Poor little guy was bleeding!  I felt awful!  He only cried for a minute... what a tough little guy!  I wrapped his little thumb up and put little mittens on so that he wouldn't try to rip it off or suck on his fingers.  By last night it is starting to look much better and healing. 

On Monday, we went to the Doctors to see how he is doing just cause  he spits up so much. He prescribed Prevacid.  Timothy Carter currently weighs 10pds 9 oz. He is getting big, but still on the low end of the scale.
He started spitting up more yesterday all day and so I was worried that this medicine was making it worse.. but all of a sudden last night he just stopped spitting up.. and he hasn't spit much up since!  So just  maybe this is helping.  Unfortunately, this cost $50. 

On Monday night Timothy Carter Slept 7 hours! yay!  I thought this was the start of a good thing.  He has done it before but then the next night it was back to 4 or 5 hours.. well same thing happened last night was 4am and again at 7:30am.  Silly guy!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

OH the joys of being a mommy ( my hospital story and more)

I am really not great at this whole blogging thing.  So instead of trying to back track too much... I will make a list of what has happened in the past well 7 months.

Don't mind the run-ons and the extremely long paragraphs!

-At 37 weeks I had my sweet baby boy Timothy Carter Coles born on December 22, 2011 at 18:57 weighing 6 pds 15 ounces and 20 inches long.  My water broke at 6:30am, I woke up feeling like I needed to use the bathroom and when I rolled over in bed. All of sudden there was a sudden rush of fluids. I thought I pee..ed my pants! ha I jumped up so fast and ran to the bathroom. After sitting there awhile and realizing it was not just pee that was coming out.  I called for Tim.  He unfortunately was not near by, he was not feeling well the night before and had bad gas so he was asleep on the couch. I called for him a few times and he did not answer.  I than had to get up and open the bedroom door and yell out to him.  I called for him again and he responded this time.  I said "I have a favor" and he said "yeah"  I than said " I think my water just broke!"  I never seen Tim jump up so fast!  He said " what do we need, what do we do?!"  "I don't know" I said ha.  At this point I was laughing.. thinking what in the heck are we doing, we are most likely having a baby today and we are not ready at all! I decided to go back and sit on the pot while Tim started packing everything we might need.  He decided he should call the Hospital to ask what we should do.  They asked him a few questions to make sure that it was my water that actually broke and not something else and than told him that we need to come in.  Tim then asked the lady on the phone, "this might be a silly question, but are you guys open?" hahahah I was sitting on the toilet laughing so hard when he asked that.  I think he must have just asked that though because it was so early and he was not all the way awake and just stressed and nervous about what was all happening. But it was still funny and I will remember forever!  I called my mom because we didn't have anything ready.  I didn't have any baby clothes washed and the apartment was a mess. She came over right away, and than we were on our way to the hospital.  Before we got on the freeway though, I realized that we didn't have the Camera!  I thought that might be a pretty good idea if we bring that if I am going to be having a baby!  We turned around and grabbed the camera and were on our way!
When we arrived at the hospital, I checked in.  They took me to a room where they checked to make sure that it was really the amniotic fluid that was leaking, and sure enough it was.  The nurse than took me to the last available room in the hospital!  Wow crazy I couldn't believe that I got the last room!  lucky!  The nurses started me up on petosin, because I hadn't even started labor yet, and was feeling no pain, just slight cramping.  About a half hour to an hour of being on that I was starting to feel the pain.  It was not at all what other people had described labor to me!  I had back labor. At one point I had to use the bathroom and I sat up... I didn't feel really any pain when I was sitting leaning forward, I sat through I contraction before going to the bathroom and it felt good.?? so I asked if I coudl sit like that.  The Nurses said that would be fine as long as they could get the heartbeat of the baby.  Of course silly guy would not stay in a good spot for me to do that so I had to sit back and enjoy the pain!  So basically from the middle of my back all the way down to the back of my knees there was pain.  Of course it didn't start out that big, but by about noon, i was really feeling the pain.  At 2pm I couldn't take it anymore, especially because at this pt I was still only dilated to a two!  I asked for the epidural.  I started crying though as soon as the nurses walked out to get the anesthesiologist because I didn't want to get it, I had planned to go natural, and I knew of all potential problems an epidural could have.  Tim gave me a blessing which reassured me that I would be alright. I felt much better although I was still very nervous about the whole thing. So at 3pm the anesthesiologist finally walked in!  That hour was the worst hour EVER!  The doctor had also brought a student with him, which made me more nervous even though he was going to be doing any of it.  I sat there clenching a pillow with my face stuffed in it trying to relax.  And dont' worry of course during this whole time because I was again sitting up and leaning forward.. the contractions didnt' hurt! So annoying!  After the epidural was done and a few minutes later I started to feel much much better.  I was again laughing and talking to everyone.  At around 5:30pm my Doctor Dr. Harward came in to discuss with me about having a c-section.  After Tim and I got to talk about it, we decided that was the best option. After 13 hours of labor I was barely dilated to a 3, so it was time to get my little boy out of me. 
The nurses prepped me up and the anesthesiologist gave me more to numb me up some more. They took me into the surgery room.  I let my mother watch the entire thing through a window. Tim sat right next to me during the whole thing and took pictures.  It was definitely an interesting experience, First ever time at the hospital and first surgery in my life. Before they started the surgery, they tested to see if I was numb enough.  The anesthesiologist didn't tell me what he poked me with until after.  He basically pushed a pair of scissors into me as hard as he could to see if I felt anything.  Crazy! After that they began cutting away and taking out all my insides or whatever it is they do to get the baby out.  When pulling him out i felt a lot of pressure and Dr. Harward's Elbow or something was digging into my rib cage.. that hurt i felt that!  At one pt he was sitting on my arm ha!  and Voila my sweet little Angel was born! Timothy Carter Coles.  He has lots of hair and he is perfect in everyway.

He is now just over 3 months old and still under 10 pounds.  I keep thinking he is getting so big!  But then when I ask people who had babies a month or even 2 months after me. Their babies are all already 12 pounds or more! ha  He is smiling a ton and almost laughing.  He loves sitting up and facing forward so he can look around.  The other day he rolled over from his Tummy to his back.. but he hasn't done it again.. I think he was just so mad that he rolled over ha.  I am lucky... haven't had any blow outs yet.  they have filled the entire diaper but haven't leaked out yet... either I put the diapers on really well... or his poops aren't powerful enough yet! LOL. On Tuesday morning he was so mad and angry and we couldn't figure out what was going on.. Tim decided to put in the Finding Nemo DVD... almost instintly he was silent and just watching the fish. It was so funny!
Guess I just have Skim milk!  Speaking of Breastfeeding.. not going into too much detail.. But basically the past 3 months have been a real struggle.. first he was tongue tied which was causing plently of problems.. I was feeding him for an hour and a half and sometimes up to two hours before he was satisfied.. and that was and hour and half nursing and then had to give him a bottle with formula.  He just was getting anything and I wasn't producing because of the whole tongue tied issue.  Our pediatrician that we had for his two week appt didn't see anything wrong with his tongue being like that.  But at his two month appt we switched doctors.. and he agreed and clipped it that very day. I had also gone to a lactation specialist before that a couple times and she thought I was doing great but all she could see wrong was his tongue.  Glad that only took two months to finally figure out!  So then I was pumping after each feeding and more.. to up the milk supply and he was doing much better for about two weeks he had straight breast milk.. Than... down the hill i went again First it was the little stubborn timothy carter latching on and off about 50 times in a 40 minute period.. and that isn't exageration (unfortunately) than came Mastitis! If you have had it well you know.. it is awful!  and if you haven't had it.. well it is awful!  My milk supply basically died... I was now basically where i had started again.. and I finally just BROKE or shall i say finally BURST... Called Tim at work pooring waterfalls... (tears) and said I am done!  So I have been slowly stopping breastfeeding. 
I understand that Breast is the best.. But sometimes it just doesn't work for all women.  I have tried my best and hopefully with my other children it will work but for him it just isn't.  I hope that no one will judge me for this.. I am the mom I know what is best for my child and me.  I am an adult and i should let people tell me what to do and what is best. I was feed all formula and I turned out just fine.. At least I think so! We need to have a happy family.... and these past three months haven't been as happy as they should be.  I started gaining weight... being so stressed.. not sure that is normal when I am already packing on an extra 30 pounds from baby weight.. ha 
This past week has been so much better and I haven't had any break downs! yay!  I have started going for walks outside and enjoying the wonderful sunshine.
Many people that I have spoken with and have heard a little of what I was going through have told me  several times how amazed they are that I kept going as long as I did, and how proud they were of me.  Also what a patient mommy I am.  I am so grateful to have these people in my life. I am so grateful that formula is available.  I feel good about the decision I have made and know that my baby will grow to be a strong and healthy boy!  I am so grateful for my wonderful husband in helping me through this trying time.

Alrighty enough is enough.. I am glad I said I wasn't going to go into detail.. and here I went into detail.. silly me!!

LIFE is a wonderful thing that our Heavenly Father has blessed us with!  Lets all be happy!  

I had a goal to run a half marathon by April.. well.. that isn't going to happen.. but it will happen this year.  My body just isn't ready for running yet, I hope as soon as I lose a few more pounds it will be ready.  So.. maybe my body is ready for running except.. I don't enjoy it right now.. not used to having a blob of fat jiggling around while I run.. so I just don't feel comfortable right now.. so walking it is.. than there is no jiggles hahah

I recently started back to work as well , which has been tough to have to leave the baby.  I am happy to say though tomorrow is my last day .. well of working everyday... that is. I will be working what is called End Of Month (EOM) where I will just work 4 days a month and pick up some shift here and there when Tim has days off.

OH! This past week we were accepted for Financial Assistance through IHC and all we had to pay was $1,166.00 to the Hospital to finish paying off me and the baby!  What a blessing that was, for a Bill that was almost $20,000 to start out.  So in total we probably paid about $5,000 for Me and Baby!  so wonderful! 

Now about Tim... he has been busy busy working really hard.  He is working Gap and Nuskin.  40 hours a week at The Gap and 4 days a month at Nuskin. And at night takes care of baby.  He got a promotion a few weeks ago which is great earning more, but still no benefits.  :(

I will edit this later and post pictures with.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Long Over Due Blog!

So much has happened since my last blog!  I am just going to write a list of things and expand on them...

Lets see.... April- Tim graduated from UVU with his Bachelors in Business Management w/ and emphasis in Marketing.  That was a fun day!  We (meaning my family and his family) went to his Graduation.  We went out to lunch with his family before to Fudruckers.  After the graduation we had a party for him at our Apt.  We Deep Fried a Turkey and just had a bunch of other different side dishes to eat.  We all sat around and talked and ate. 

May- This was a big exciting month for us!  may 7th through the 20th we went to Europe.   We went with Tim's sister and brother in Law Heather and Mike which made the trip much more fun! We visited London for Two days, took the train under the ocean to Paris for another two days, then it was off to Rome, Italy.  Our train ride that was supposed to be 15 hours took 17 and a half.  We paid for first class tickets, but sadly I felt like they were almost worse than 2nd class.  Not really sure how that is supposed to work when each ticket was $100 more.  When we arrived in Rome it was very Hot! 
We were only able to stay in Rome for one day b/c Tim and I were off to Grenoble, France and I wanted to make it in time to attend church there so that I could see everyone.  We stayed in Grenoble a fews days.  We then traveled by train to Lyon, France.  There I was able to visit a good friend Anne Marie, she took us to a pastry place and bought us lunch.  We than visited the park which is like a Zoo.  We walked around and relaxed. 
That night we got on a train to head to Metz, France.  This is where the troubles began.... At around 9pm the train stopped.  They announced over the speakers that there was an accident with another train that was just ahead of our train and it was blocking the tracks so they were going to be delayed.

wow.. it is now..August 3rd... 6 months ago was my last blog.. how sad...

Well  the day we arrived home from our trip on May 20th!! I found out that I was pregnant!  Almost 7 weeks along than.. 

I am now 17 weeks and doing great!  First trimester was pretty good just ate and ate so that I felt better.  So gained more weight than I wanted to. Never threw up . 

Now into the second trimester and doing great.  I actually have the normal hungry feeling back and  not the sick/not sure about being hungry feeling.  I have thrown up twice now in the 2nd trimester.. 1st time I made my self gag on my toothbrush. 
The second well.. that was last night.  I went over to my parents because my mom was going to come to Costco with me so I could use her membership to buy stuff.  She fed me dinner.  I first ate chips and salsa because I was starving waiting for dinner.. than had Spinach Ravioli and garlic bread for dinner.  My stomach hurt so bad afterwards.. I had tons of Tums to try to make me feel better.  When I got home I just layed on my bed.. At about 10pm I woke up to someone texting me... realized I still needed to brush my teeth.  So Brushed my teeth and then not but 10 seconds later I found myself throwing up all my dinner plus some.. I think I threw up like 10 times!! It was horrible.. each time I thought I was done.. I would have that nasty taste of throw in my mouth which I would than gag and throw up again.!! it wasn't until my stomach was completely empty that I stopped!  So everything I eat is going to be plain Jane from now on!

Oh yes.. I coached swim team all summer which was fun but so much work.  I was doing both swim team and Nu Skin... so working an average of 10 hours a day and sometimes more.  I have been so worn out! 

Tim is still working at the Gap and also started with a financial group and is enjoying that. 

We just moved into a new Apartment in Pleasant Grove.  We now have more space to live and put all of our crap.  There are two downfalls.. we are on the 3rd floor and there is No pantry!! so right now.. we still have tons of boxes everywhere trying to figure out what to do with them.  We need to go look for a portable pantry somewhere.  Just finding the time to do that is the only problem.  We have a walk in closet, two bathrooms, a laundry room (no washer or dryer quiet yet, that is a work in progress as well) , pool, hot tub, work out room, a deck with storage (Except.. I refuse to go on the deck right now because there are 7 wasps nests!) 

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Everytime we go to Winco with a certain list of things to buy of what we need, we end up spending like $30 more than planned.  I need some self control I think.  Last night for example we only had like 4 things on the list.  I can't even remember what they were because we ended up leaving the store with at least 10 other items than planned!  It is like I have a shopping disease... I see something and think "oh that sounds good... how about we try it?"  About two seconds later I find it in my cart and I am onto my next item, which again was not on my list! 

Alright enough said.. next time I go to Winco... I am going to try with all my strength  to just get what is on my list.  I will let you know the results. I sure hope I can handle this.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Broken car!

So, for the last while Tim has been using his Grandpa's car to drive to work and back.  Last week it started acting weird like the transmission was going out.  We thought maybe it was just a fuel filter and that the transmission fluid needed to be changed.  Tim took it over to my dad where they worked on that and fixed that but yet the car still wasn't acting right!  So Tim took it in to Tanner Transmissions, where they determined that it definitely needed a new transmission.  So we spent about $120 on changing all the oils and everything so that we could now just let the car sit. 

A new transmission is just not something we can afford right now, and weren't really planning on spending that money. So my poor husband has to ride UTA now.  I feel bad b/c this takes a lot of time out of time that he could be using to study where he waits for the bus.  I guess the plus side to it is that once he is on the bus he can study.   Another sad thing is how he has to stand out in the cold forever waiting and waiting! 

I feel like I am being selfish since I always get the car.  Maybe I should be the one riding the bus. It is just that he gets a pass much cheaper than I could ever get one since he is still in school.  So end of Story. Timmy gets to ride the bus, freeze, and wait for long periods of time,  while I get to drive in my nice warm car.

Turns out though we might be getting the Scooter from his parents house to borrow until Brendon his brother gets home from his mission.  That would be nice, still postives and negatives with that ... the positives being no more waiting in the cold forever, get places faster.  But sadly he is still going to freeze... I am going to have to bundle him up like the little boy in the "Christmas Story"

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Growing my hair out!

So I am really wanting my hair to grow out again.  I am missing my long hair i used to have.  I feel like this past couple months my hair has just stopped growing.  So I am going to start taking vitamins, massaging my head each night, and wearing it in pig tails so that it will have a constant pull on it.  Hoping that this will do the trick and it will start growing.

I did enjoy having short hair though, it was fun, but it is time for the long hair to come back.  Grow hair grow!