Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Precious Girl

I think it is about time to update everyone on our precious girl! A lot has happened in the past few months and I want to make sure I can remember it all!
Our little Aggie Princess!

You celebrated your first Christmas at just over 2 weeks old. We didnt get very many good shots since you were sleeping most of the time, but here you are with big brother and your precious cousin Macy.

You also celebrated your first Valentine's Day! You were so cute in your little love bug outfit!

You also had a playdate with your boyfriend Drew, he is exactaly 2 weeks older than you and his mom and I have been friends since we were 5. We had so much fun!

Some things I want to remember about you over the last few months:

- Stats at your 2 month appt:
12lbs 10oz - 95%

23.3 inches - 90%

-Stats at your 4 months appt:

14lbs 13oz - 75-90%

25.3 inches - 95%

- You are long and lean, just like your daddy - at 5 months you wear mostly 3-6 month clothes but some outfits are getting too short.

- You were a great sleeper! You stared sleeping through the night consistently at 8 weeks old. It was magic! Then around 3 months you decided to wake up a little bit and tend to wake up a few times a night, never to eat - you just need your paci back. You also will NOT sleep without your swaddle. I am not sure what we are going to do about this issue - for now I am choosing to ignore it! :)

- You just recently decided that you no longer want to be held to fall asleep, while this is a good thing it makes me sad you are growing up so fast.

- You rolled from your stomach to your back at 4 days old and did it until you were 2 months old, we couldnt put you on your stomach without you rolling over. Who does that? BUT, now it is like you have forgotten and will only roll from your back to your stomach. Then you get stuck and you are usually not happy that way for long.

- You smile all the time and are such a happy baby unless you get over tired, then the blood curdling scream comes out! I have never heard a baby cry as loud or as intense as you can.

- You started laughing out loud a couple of weeks ago and it melts our hearts! Pierson makes you laugh the most and you love to watch him.

- You love your feet and play with them all the time when on the floor.

- You are not a big fan of your carseat unless you are tired, otherwise you want to be able to see what is going on.

- You eat 5 times a day, between 6-7 ounces and eat rice cereal at night before your last bottle of the day. I wasnt so sure you were ready to start cereal but you loved it and dive for the spoon when you see it!

-You have been waking up between 5:30-6 for the past month or so and Mommy and Daddy are tired, we have tried everything to get you to sleep longer but have decided you are not a by the book baby, so hopefully you will start "sleeping in" at some point!

- You arent really on any type of nap schedule, since you are the second child you are learning to go with the flow, even though you don't like it sometimes.

You celebrated your first Easter in a precious blue dress! You and your brother looked so cute!

The past few months have been busy, trying, and exhausting but more than anything they have been filled with joy! We love you so much little one and can't wait to see what the next months bring!