
Pretty Much Instagram

I apologize to anyone who follows me on Instagram as this is basically a recap of the last 2 months. But at least I take pictures again. Too bad I don't take them with an actual camera.
I woke up the morning of our Anniversary to my favorite flowers waiting for me.
It was on a Sunday so it was a chill Anniversary. He did make dinner though and Anna kept trying to make my day special. I think she thought it was like a birthday, but I will take all the pampering I can get. Happy 8 years to us!
The next weekend I ran the Huntsville Marathon - my first full marathon! I trained with my neighbor (which sure makes 20 mile runs easier!) and was so happy I made it to the start line injury free (it was a Christmas miracle). I stayed on pace for a 3:35 finish up until the last 2 miles when I basically walked/jogged the rest. I had heat exhaustion and nearly passed out (they didn't start the race until 10AM..which means it was 1:30 ish when I finished and many people ended up with heat stroke) so I am happy that I at least finished!
The thought of food disgusted me for several hours after the race. Then a happy meal sounded good. Say what?! I don't think I have had one of those in 4 yrs.
Anna has food allergies, but we have guessed she has seasonal allergies too (pretty badly) and we finally went and got her tested for them. Umm, ya. The picture speaks for itself. Those 4 dots (basically the ONLY 4 dots)  that didn't get a reaction were to animals. She was also diagnosed with asthma and has an inhaler she takes 2x a day. She has been much better - less coughing at night so she has been sleeping longer! Yay!
My sister and I took the kids to Gardner Village to see the witches.
We took them on the Witch Ride to see the 'live/real' witches and they thought it was so fun. They got to make potions, learn how to dance like monsters and have a graveyard ceremony for any bugs they have every killed :)
Evan is obsessed with the Green Lantern (poor child doesn't know he is probably the lamest of super heroes...wait Ryan Renyolds. Never mind). We got a 'Justice League' comic book in a cereal box and that is where it began. He runs around with his 'ring' and pretends to be Green Lantern. So when I bought this shirt (best $2 I have ever spent) he was ecstatic. He asks to wear it every day...and as long as it is clean, I oblige. I mean, come on, look how happy he is :)
The kids picked out our costumes this year. I made them and we had one INCREDIBLE Halloween.
Then 2 weekends ago my mom flew my sisters and I down to Phoenix to visit my bother and my Sister in Law and to have a girls weekend and go to Time Out For Women.
It being a trip with my family, of course it revolved around food.
Literally the first place we went once we got off the plane was to get some Sprinkles cupcakes. Then we walked across the street and went to Yogurtland.
Then we met my brother for lunch.
It is how we roll.
That night I had the best burger of my life for dinner. It was a Greek burger and it was heaven.

Lunch at the Olive Creek Mill..but dessert was the best part. They had gelato and marscapone filled strawberries.

One night we went to LoLo's Chicken and Waffles. Ya. I know I eat a lot of treats, but I rarely eat fried food...and that is ALL this place was. So, I wasn't the biggest fan of my dinner (I ordered the chili. It was alright, but sooo greasy) But they had banana pudding for dessert. That made up for it.
Done and done.
The conference was awesome. 4,000 women were there and it is always so fun and inspirational. I love that it covers all subjects (not just the church) and I always leave feeling uplifted. Kate and Sara from Our Best Bites spoke and they were amazing. Ya'll know how much I love their food so I had to have them sign my cookbook. I am (self proclaimed) the president of their fan club and as such they recognized me before I even got up to them, said hi and even remembered my name (I may tweet them A LOT, but no one needs to know that). So who wants my autograph now?

 Last weekend was 'GluttonFest' with some friends from my Utah State Days. Oh my. It did not disappoint. Everything was delicious. I brought the candied sweet potatoes (on the left - recipe from, guess who? Our Best Bites) and was happy that my whole pan got eaten. I was nervous since some people just steer clear of yams. You know it makes you super happy when what you bring is all gone before you leave. Admit it.
 Ross and Anna read Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone together. Ross had never read it and I think they were both pretty enthralled. It only took them a couple of weeks and I am impressed with how well Anna did. SHE was the one who wanted to keep reading more each night and she sat so still as Ross read. So last night for FHE we watched the movie (thanks Janers) and she was so excited. She sang songs all day about it :) She especially loves Hermione (she acts just like her for heaven sakes) and would cheer through out the movie. Now Anna is one to get scared over the silliest of things in movies, but she did so well because she remembered everything! She knew what was going to happen and was upset at some things they left out :) I told her that is why books are ALWAYS better.

And now, I will leave you with our recent family pictures that Brynn took. She did such a great job. I love the way they turned out and I especially love how much Anna was hamming it up for the camera. Oh boy. It was so entertaining to watch! A few of my favorites:



Cayde and Brianna Taylor Family said...

Oh my! Your kids are so cute. Love Anna's poses. So stinkin cute. As for the Incredibles out fits. Those are AWESOME. So Fun.

Marie Rose said...

could your kids be any cuter? Like seriously?!! Where have we been and why haven't we hung out. I miss you! Oh wait, that's right my life is a crazy place and I barely have time to see my husband. (sigh) When this baby comes you'll have to come visit us. Make a trip up to MAGNA!

The Goodrich's said...

Cute family!! Love your pictures. Love your costumes too...are you talented with the sewing machine like your mama? Molly loves Harry Potter too, although I told her she had to wait until she's older before she could read it. Maybe I'll change my mind, though. Anna didn't get scared? That was what I was worried about. Right now she makes me tell her the Harry Potter story all day long...it's getting old. :)

Tori said...

#1. awesome job on the marathon!
#2. poor anna and her allergies! I think I would cry...
#3. love the family pics! including the Halloween ones, impressive!
#4. troy and his wife haven't posted on their blog in forever. can't imagine why they can't find a spare moment... haha but she is planning on starting another one, so I'll keep you posted. I don't think it will be a private one, but if so I'll do my best to get you an invite :)

brynn eyre said...

I still can't get over how amazing your Halloween costumes were! Seriously you guys rocked it! I love that they read Harry potter, I seriously can't wait to read it with Lucas! I'm glad she didn't get scared watching the movie. So glad you guys came to gluttonfest! Your sweet potatoes were pretty much amazing!

Heidi said...

I always love your updates..always entertaining:) houston has the green lantern shirt too and loves all the superheroes, got to love little boys...your family pictures are awesome. Your kids are freaking adorable!!!

Tori said...

quick follow-up: troy's new blog is up! check my blog list :)

10zfam said...

Nice job in the Halloween costumes. Your kids are super cute! Sorry about Anna. Cambree also has asthma and she has animal allergies, oh the joys of kids hehe!

Jodi said...

Your halloween costumes were fabulous! I love that Ross wore the leggins as well. I don't think I could get Mike to do that. Love the cute family pictures.

Haley said...

Oh my word. Your "baby" is so big!! Love the family pics. That allergy pic is so sad! Poor girl. Averie has an inhaler for her asthma too. They can be dorks together! Congrats on a great race!

Anjanette said...

You seriously have some of the cutest kids. Sadie said the other day that we needed to go to Utah to visit Katelyn's friend. I said who is that and she responded the girl with a cow name, clara bell. I said you mean Annabelle. I laughed really hard. Way to go on the marathon. You are seriously my hero. Miss you guys.

Anjanette said...

Oh yeah. I'm in the same boat with Katelyn and allergies. She has been complaining a lot lately about stomach pain so we had some blood tests done. Now she has to see a GI doctor because they are almost positive she has a gluten allergy. This summer her seasonal allergies were awful too. I wish I could just take it all away.

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