
Pretty Much Instagram

I apologize to anyone who follows me on Instagram as this is basically a recap of the last 2 months. But at least I take pictures again. Too bad I don't take them with an actual camera.
I woke up the morning of our Anniversary to my favorite flowers waiting for me.
It was on a Sunday so it was a chill Anniversary. He did make dinner though and Anna kept trying to make my day special. I think she thought it was like a birthday, but I will take all the pampering I can get. Happy 8 years to us!
The next weekend I ran the Huntsville Marathon - my first full marathon! I trained with my neighbor (which sure makes 20 mile runs easier!) and was so happy I made it to the start line injury free (it was a Christmas miracle). I stayed on pace for a 3:35 finish up until the last 2 miles when I basically walked/jogged the rest. I had heat exhaustion and nearly passed out (they didn't start the race until 10AM..which means it was 1:30 ish when I finished and many people ended up with heat stroke) so I am happy that I at least finished!
The thought of food disgusted me for several hours after the race. Then a happy meal sounded good. Say what?! I don't think I have had one of those in 4 yrs.
Anna has food allergies, but we have guessed she has seasonal allergies too (pretty badly) and we finally went and got her tested for them. Umm, ya. The picture speaks for itself. Those 4 dots (basically the ONLY 4 dots)  that didn't get a reaction were to animals. She was also diagnosed with asthma and has an inhaler she takes 2x a day. She has been much better - less coughing at night so she has been sleeping longer! Yay!
My sister and I took the kids to Gardner Village to see the witches.
We took them on the Witch Ride to see the 'live/real' witches and they thought it was so fun. They got to make potions, learn how to dance like monsters and have a graveyard ceremony for any bugs they have every killed :)
Evan is obsessed with the Green Lantern (poor child doesn't know he is probably the lamest of super heroes...wait Ryan Renyolds. Never mind). We got a 'Justice League' comic book in a cereal box and that is where it began. He runs around with his 'ring' and pretends to be Green Lantern. So when I bought this shirt (best $2 I have ever spent) he was ecstatic. He asks to wear it every day...and as long as it is clean, I oblige. I mean, come on, look how happy he is :)
The kids picked out our costumes this year. I made them and we had one INCREDIBLE Halloween.
Then 2 weekends ago my mom flew my sisters and I down to Phoenix to visit my bother and my Sister in Law and to have a girls weekend and go to Time Out For Women.
It being a trip with my family, of course it revolved around food.
Literally the first place we went once we got off the plane was to get some Sprinkles cupcakes. Then we walked across the street and went to Yogurtland.
Then we met my brother for lunch.
It is how we roll.
That night I had the best burger of my life for dinner. It was a Greek burger and it was heaven.

Lunch at the Olive Creek Mill..but dessert was the best part. They had gelato and marscapone filled strawberries.

One night we went to LoLo's Chicken and Waffles. Ya. I know I eat a lot of treats, but I rarely eat fried food...and that is ALL this place was. So, I wasn't the biggest fan of my dinner (I ordered the chili. It was alright, but sooo greasy) But they had banana pudding for dessert. That made up for it.
Done and done.
The conference was awesome. 4,000 women were there and it is always so fun and inspirational. I love that it covers all subjects (not just the church) and I always leave feeling uplifted. Kate and Sara from Our Best Bites spoke and they were amazing. Ya'll know how much I love their food so I had to have them sign my cookbook. I am (self proclaimed) the president of their fan club and as such they recognized me before I even got up to them, said hi and even remembered my name (I may tweet them A LOT, but no one needs to know that). So who wants my autograph now?

 Last weekend was 'GluttonFest' with some friends from my Utah State Days. Oh my. It did not disappoint. Everything was delicious. I brought the candied sweet potatoes (on the left - recipe from, guess who? Our Best Bites) and was happy that my whole pan got eaten. I was nervous since some people just steer clear of yams. You know it makes you super happy when what you bring is all gone before you leave. Admit it.
 Ross and Anna read Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone together. Ross had never read it and I think they were both pretty enthralled. It only took them a couple of weeks and I am impressed with how well Anna did. SHE was the one who wanted to keep reading more each night and she sat so still as Ross read. So last night for FHE we watched the movie (thanks Janers) and she was so excited. She sang songs all day about it :) She especially loves Hermione (she acts just like her for heaven sakes) and would cheer through out the movie. Now Anna is one to get scared over the silliest of things in movies, but she did so well because she remembered everything! She knew what was going to happen and was upset at some things they left out :) I told her that is why books are ALWAYS better.

And now, I will leave you with our recent family pictures that Brynn took. She did such a great job. I love the way they turned out and I especially love how much Anna was hamming it up for the camera. Oh boy. It was so entertaining to watch! A few of my favorites:



Fall Is In The Air

Which means I better recap the Summer before there is snow on the ground. I am so awesome at updating this blog, it is ridiculous. I wouldn't have any pictures if it weren't for instagram. Thank goodness I take a few pictures a week now instead of the one or two a month I used to so my children will believe I was actually around for their childhood.
We hit up a few parades. Please note the spelling on the sign for this 'float' = hilarious.
Grandma Jane bought this deluxe water slide for the grand kids and they were in heaven. Well, Annabelle was after the 1st day. At first she was upset that the bottom wasn't completely full of water like in the picture so she threw a fit and wouldn't play in it that day. Yep. 
 Anna started gymnastics. She did pretty well. But there are a few things she struggled with (as expected, she just started) but she would get frustrated and would give up, get mad or just hide from her teacher...like in the picture below. She is a perfectionist and if she can't do it right the first time, she doesn't want to do it at all. Oy.
 She loves fro yo. Just like her mama. But they both make ridiculously silly faces when I try and take pictures of them...just like their dad.

Annabelle started school. She is loving it so far....just like I knew she would. We are doing afternoons because she is NOT a morning person. And I would like not to be sending her to school every day whining/crying/arguing with me. I realize that next year she will have to go in the morning and I can't put it off forever. But if I can procrastinate another year,
you better believe that is what I am going to do!
She may be a handful (she cut her own hair AGAIN the day before school started) but she is a very thoughtful little girl. She is always looking for ways to serve her friends and those around her. A little girl was crying when I dropped Anna off the 1st day and she walked right up to this girl she didn't know and told her everything was going to be ok and asked her if she would walk in to class with her. It melted my heart.

Evan is getting so big and his personality is out of control silly. I think Ross and I say 'this kid is a goof' at least a bajillion times a day. 

He turned 3 (WHAT?!) in June and we celebrated by going to the splash park. Mind you when we got there I expected them to run off and go play immediately...nope they wanted to sit and eat snacks for the first 20 minutes we were there. Yet again, another reason I know they are my children.

Then we hit up 'Chick a wave' (what Evan calls it. His favorite place in the world) and headed to Boondocks. 
He still talks about going back there he had so much fun. Occasionally he will empty his piggy bank out, count  his 'moneys' and tell me he is going to use it to play games when we go back to Boondocks.
He got a bike for his birthday and he could not have been happier. Seriously. It's like we gave him wings. He rides that thing like he is the king of the world.  I walk while the kids ride their bike to take Anna to and from school. Evan says hi to everyone we pass and tells them 'we are going to get my Anna'. I even caught him telling Super Why (when he asks 'and you, what's your name?' My name is Evan Jamesdale and my sister, Anna, is at school' He loves her so much :)
 Daddy giving him 'guitawd' lessons. Doesn't he look like he knows he is pretty dang cool?

I like to help my mom maintain her crazy status by making a big deal out of things that should be simple and taking on too many tasks. For the 4th of July she saw 1 too many things on the Internet/blogs that she wanted to do. So she came and picked me up and we dipped pretzels, made sugar cookie pizzas, snow cone cupcakes, 4th of July layered Jello and so much more.
Mind you this dinner was just with my immediate family. Not really a 'party'.
Janers is crazy. Love it.

I ran a half marathon at the beginning of July and was looking to beat my previous time. I had to take 2 weeks off right before the race because I hurt my foot (typical). The Dr told me not to race it...but I am smart and did it anyway. This was my 1st race in a long time because of plaguing injuries and I wasn't going to throw this away too. You would think my body was 80 years old. But the race went well and I set a new PR - Holla! Take that Dr!



You know it has been a while when you go to make a new post and Blogger has COMPLETELY been reformatted. Yikes, Also depressing is my blog roll. SO many of you haven't updated in forever. I know I am slacking, but I refuse to give up & neither should you! lol. Wow. I should be hired as an inspirational speaker.

Back in May my parentals sponsored a family trip to the one and only DinseyWorld. To say my kids were excited is a complete understatement....and they had only seen about 2 Disney movies. Ha! Needless to say, we had to borrow some movies so the kids would know what to be excited about.

Thanks to my parents for this trip. There is NO way my little family would have been able to go otherwise. It was an 8 day trip - 5 days in the park - and it was amazing. My kids especially loved walking out of our hotel room and seeing their cousins every day. Geez I love my family.

Traveling with 8 kids under 8 is always an adventure.

Our resort.

 1st day was in the Magic Kingdom.

Meeting the princesses. Anna was nervous at first, but then loved it...of course. Evan could have cared less. Also, I loved how they had answers to all questions. Where are your glass slippers Cinderella? 'After I lost my glass slipper at the ball, my new MIL got me ones with straps so that I wouldn't lose it again'

Belle had some serious cleavage going on.

 Anna's favorite moment of her life was meeting Rapunzel. Good thing she gave me a great reaction because we stood in line FOR.EV.ER. and it was SO hot!

 Evan was excited to see Peter Pan...until we got up close. Can I blame him? That boy had a whole lot of make up on and looked a little weird.

He, did, however, want to go on the Toy Story ride repeatedly. Anna's favorite ride was the Peter Pan ride (she swears our ship REALLY was flying) and surprisingly...Splash Mountain. We didn't tell her about the drop (the girl is a worrier) and she did great. She asked to go on it about 100x more.

Day 2 was Epcot. And yes, with the humidity, I had already given up on doing my hair. Also, running at sea level is not easier when it is 90 degrees and 90% humidity. I wanted to die.
 Cooling off in the fountain/splash pad area while waiting for the Michael Jackson 3D movie (SOOOOO weird) and Evan is taking flight??

 Meeting the classics.

 Being Goofy with Goofy.

The whole family has to get in it for Mickey!

 Little Norwegian Anna.

Evan found this sword and wanted to fight the troll.

 Needless to say, we bought the aforementioned sword. And the boy loves him some
 'Wighten McQween'

And I love me some Mulan. She is the one 'princess' I can get behind.

Pretty sure Jasmin and Aladdin had a little something going on in real life.
Watching them flirt...was....ya.

Day 3 was Hollywood Studios...probably my favorite of the parks. Maybe because they had more 'roller coasters'?? I wish Ross and I could have snuck over to Universal Studios, but alas, a ticket for one day in their park was $140 a person and that was just not in our budget.

Anna LOVED this show.

And Evan loved the Disney Clubhouse show. He loves him some Mickey Mouse club house.

 Anna did so great on Splash Mountain that we decided to take her on Tower of Terror. She had no idea what was coming. I friggin LOVED this ride. Anna did not. She still talks about the ride (and the video that played before it) to anyone who will listen.
 Evan managed to convince his father, or more like it...the other way around, that he should aquire this Star Wars gun. The rest of the day was spent with him on my shoulders shooting 'all the bad guys' in the park. He could not have been happier. Until all his cousins wanted in on the action too. That ended up being quite the coveted toy.
 They have a live action car stunt show. Ross was in heaven. And of course, it features Lightening McQueen so that your kids will want to go. Lightening comes out for about 2 min and 'blows up' the 'bad guy car' even though they are about 100 ft apart and he does NOTHING but the kids loved that part. Those Disney folks sure know how to play the game.

 Day 4 was at Animal Kingdom - also a favorite. The jungle ride was awesome...almost as awesome as the faces this kid pulls.

None of these pictures even show much. That is what happens, people, when you no longer use an actual camera. I swear there were awesome animals everywhere.

The Lion King show was FANTASTIC.

I don't even like to think about lunch that day. For most of the trip we packed our food into the park - sandwiches and snacks (much to Ross' dismay who wanted to eat out for every meal). I finally caved and said ok to one expensive lunch. We went to the Tusker House. We had to pay for Anna to eat there even though she couldn't, because of her allergies, (and wouldn't) eat anything. LOVE paying $20 for her to eat 3 bites of watermelon. Needless to say, I acted like an 80 year old and packed the bananas and apples my kids didn't eat right into my back pack. Judge me.

 The kids DID love 'the experience' (DW's reason for us still having to pay for them even though they didn't eat) and not having to wait to meet any characters. Grandma Jane paid for all the kids to get their face painted. Evan loved being a zebra for about an hour and then he wanted it off. So we pretended to take it off. Which totally worked until random people would make a comment about him being a zebra and then he would look super confused.

We got stuck on the Himalayan ride for about 10 min. Good times. We went on the ride sans kids, so it was actually pretty relaxing ;) Who knew being with your kids 24/7 would make you appreciate time alone with each other SO much more?

We took the day off on Sunday and rented a car to go to church.
Then came back and hung out at the hotel and then made our way to Downtown Disney where I ate the worlds best sundae (The Haight Ashbury) at Ghiridelli. I took like 2 pictures of my food this whole trip. What happened to me? Oh yes. I was chasing kids.

One of the highlights of the trip was the ride home from Downtown Disney. The kids were wired and having a grand old time. Everyone else on the bus, however, was not. We got LOTS of stares, daggers, people plugging their ears and BEGGING to get off the bus. We are in friggin DisneyWorld people. If you can't handle excited kids, I suggest you go somewhere else.

Granted, they were a little out of control. But by Day 5..I don't really care anymore. So take that fellow passengers ;)

Our last day at the park was back to Magic Kingdom...by far the kid's favorite park.
Our kids look ridiculously happy, no?

Getting ready to race some cars.

Riding the magic carpets. Evan was not a fan. 

Ross and John think they are hilarious.

The last day we swam at the deluxe (seriously) hotel pool and then packed up to go home. The flight home was pretty sweet and the kids did awesome. Evan spent half the flight like this.

 And for good measure, I must include this adorable picture. The kids were hyper every night and refused to go to sleep. Yet about 2 minutes after they laid down they were out for the night. Dang that boys is cute. I think I need to get a comforter just like that one..so stylish..

I promise my next post won't take you 10 hours to read. Maybe.