I just bought masses of seeds to get started on the spring. I am so ready!!!!!! Pink is the first color of choice this time and off we go, planting our acquired seeds from the magnificent Pink Coral Vine
It's also called Queen's Wreath, Queen's Lace, Chain of Love, Chinese Love Vine
The Pink Coral Creeper is native to Tropical America. Not often seen, the rare coral creeper is a favorite for its showy flowers seen mostly in summer and fall. Makes a fabulous container plant in cooler areas.
Coral creeper climbs on tendrils and has interesting heart-shaped leaves. Plant in full sun in most any soil. Water to establish, prune to control. Best used to run up supports such as a tree or a trellis. According to the seller, it is a carefree plant to own.
This is my new garden project for 2009 - To have Angel Trumpets of all sorts of colors, all over the garden. Specifically trained or pruned small trees. Even though I already have pink, white, salmon, yellow and a variegated, I am still looking for shades of yellow and white, maybe double or shredded. My most desired cultivar is the double orange "Herrenhauser Garten" brugs pictured below of which I hope to get my hands on. A shrub with 12 inch double ruffled trumpets dangling show stopper. Rated extremely rare and challenging to grow. Whats time and patience for, right?

Price for the pinks, whites, yellow Brugmansia plants are aprox $10 per plant or cutting, but depending on the breed can be as much as $35. I found this to be the least expensive source.