Thursday, January 13, 2011

Travnik at dusk

Our way back from Vlašić to Sarajevo leads us through historic and charming town Travnik, a birth place of novelist Ivo Andrić who was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

When ever my husband and I pass by Travnik we always drop in the place called “Šumeća” named after a creek “Šumeće”, which name is associated with murmur of water. The other name for this place and not any less known, is “Plave vode” (Blue Waters) but I don’t know why because the water is more white than blue; it is sparkling because of its small rapids.

There is a small restaurant in this place called “Lutvina kahva” (Lutvo’s coffee) where we use to eat “ćevapčići” (small grilled meatballs) and then to enjoy in a coffee while listening to the gurgle of water. This small restaurant was visited by Rudolf Habsburg in June 1887 on his way around Bosnia. On that occasion he left a goldfinch for exceptionally delicious coffee. It is said that the owner kept the goldfinch years later in a special showcase along with a little coffee pot and a coffee cup from which a magnificent prince drank. The original owner and builder long, long time ago was a man named Lutvo. He surely didn’t have a clue that his cafe would survive till today. This place is really refreshing in hot summer days but it also has its charm in the winter.

These photos show how I saw this place at dusk on the foggy January.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

thesse photos have a magical look to them. it is easy to beleive a magnificent prince would be visiting there to drink from the cup. i especailly like the first photo and thank you for all the information. i love to hear about your country and to see it through your eyes. i like that building in the last one to. it is so colorful

Anonymous said...

Što reći nego prekrasno draga Meda!!!
Puno pozdrava.

Lilly... said...

Draga Meda, ja mislim da si odličan prezentator (ne pada mi sad nikakav prikladniji naziv) svoje zemlje... Fotografije su divne, i ja sam, moram priznat, od svih zemalja u zadnje vrijeme zaljubljena u Bosnu, a sve zahvaljujuć tebi! :D Bit će red put pod noge... :)))

TexWisGirl said...

That is just fantastic! Very magical!

arba said...

Prekrasne fotografije, čaroban krajolik.Ma Meda divna si! Tako nas mamiš ovim tvojim fotkicama.

BaysideLife said...

It's like a little fairy tale town. Just beautiful and moody. The first photo looks like a painting. Thanks for this history of the place.

Arija said...

The sound of rushing water and cevabcici . . . what a wonderful combination! The first picture is like an illustration for a novel, especially couple with sitting where a prince has sat. I would dearly love to just BE in this delightful place.

Hugs and Blessings . . . Arija

Kerri Farley said...

Lovely images!! Looks like that water is really close to the buildings.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

You are pictures are awesome and you prove to be an outstanding art photographer. Warm hugs.

Creatissimo said...

Great pictures and scenery! - like for a movie stage! I should put the place on my list 'Places to see'.

S. Etole said...

Truly ... a fairy tale in your images. These are beautiful.

photowannabe said...

Oh Meda, this place is beautiful and quite magical. I can understand why you want to stop there when ever you can. Lovey pictures.

salwar said...

Great pics.. Love all of them..

LR Photography said...

Great photos these ones Meda!

Trotter said...

Hi Meda! Travnik is wonderful and your pictures are awesome! We went through in <a href="”>1980</a>. Long time ago...

The Nile 2010 is coming to an end! But the temple of Philae surely deserves a comment. Enjoy and have an excellent Sunday!

Trotter said...

Sorry, the link didn't work...

Folhetim Cultural said...

Olá neste sábado em meu blog minha coluna poética, uma homenagem ao grupo Roupa Nova e Bruno Martins no chá das 5. Conto com sua visitá lá.

Magno Oliveira
Folhetim Cultural

Pietro Brosio said...

All wonderful views, Medam! I like the colorful restaurant of the last image!

Regina said...

What a perfectly captivating post..these look more like paintings! It's hard to pick a favorite, but the second two to the last would have to be my favorite-very enchanting and inspirational!
My best from a rather balmy and humid side of the world~

Stina said...

I really like the photos. Lovely!:-)

Judy said...

This could have been such a gloomy post, with the gray light and the fog, but I love the photos!! it is so hard to choose a favourite among them!

fialka012 said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like a very lovely place. Lovely photos.


Rick said...

What a charming place and you made such beautiful photos of it. I love the ones with the lights, but they are all wonderful ! Nice story to go along with it.

Anonymous said...

Dugo te nema, nadam se da si dobro!
Pusa veelika.

L. Neusiedler said...

like paintings! beautiful!

myonlyphoto said...

Medam you live in the magical country. These photos are surreal.

Hope all is well. Anna :)

Phivos Nicolaides said...

So pretty like post cards!

Espresso said...

Magical place.