It's been a lovely day for taking the car to the garage, and walking back home because it was going to be an all day job. I wandered into Winterton while they were assessing the job to be done. It could have been simple to repair or it could take a long time. I went to the Post Office, and took a few photo's while waiting for the phone call with the verdict.
The information board next to the Co op.
Oh dear, the raised flower bed looks a bit sad. Can someone come along with the secateurs and chop off all the dead bits.
This is a private house near the Co op. The ornate front porch could do with a lick of paint.
For a small town it's well signposted.
Drop off and pick up point for mail and small parcels, next to the Co op.
Let's see how this works. OK, need an app, haven't got one. 😝
Oh look, there's another one. At the front of a workshop.
I walked through a small park. Here's an instruction board on how to use the Outdoor Gym.
And the rules. Must have rules.
Then I got a phone call telling me that it was going to be an all day job, or could go on until tomorrow. The slave cylinder on the clutch has an oil leak so basically everything has to come out. Then came the stinger, it is going to cost a lot of money. Oh well, I won't be changing my car just yet. It is taxed for six months, which gives me time to build up my bank account for when I find the right car.
So I set off walking back home. Only three and a bit miles and I stayed on tarmac because the field paths are muddy at the moment. I remembered finding some bee hives that I discovered a couple of years ago. They are hidden behind a hedge next to a haulage yard. Yes they are still there. This is the post about the same walk back from the garage in January 2023.
There are a lot of them, about 50 altogether. I could see bees going in and out. They looked pretty active. They make the honey that I buy from the Farm Shop.
Coming into the next village I came across what looked like a police bike with a policeman standing close to it. He had a zapper thingy. Just up the road is a 30mph speed limit and quite often people don't bother to slow down. It's a straight road with houses both sides and I think people must get a bit fed up of drivers speeding through. There is a warning sign which flashes what speed people are doing.
I was curious so asked lots of questions. He is a retired police officer who now works part time on this job. I had a fascinating conversation with Kevin. He lives in Beverley, the other side of the Bridge. It was amazing that we had a lot to talk about. I told him about my driving qualifications. The advanced tests I have taken. My motorcycle advanced training. How many times I have been caught speeding, (3 in 52 years of driving), and I used to go out with a chap from Beverley who worked for the Vehicle Investigation Bureau attached to the police. He went out to accidents to inspect the vehicles involved. When I mentioned his name, yes, Kevin knows him. Amazing. What a nice fella he was.
It is now 6.30pm and the garage hasn't rung me, so I assume they haven't finished the job and I will get a call tomorrow. It does seem strange to have an empty driveway with no car. I dread the day when I stop driving. I shall be totally lost.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. ilona