Friday, February 20, 2009

isn't it ironic

So I seem to have kicked the disease for the most part. I'm still left with a smoker's cough and voice to match, but I'll take it when compared to the death march I was doing for a few days. But having a cold while pregnant is not without its ironies. For example:

1. You know how when you get a cold, your sense of smell goes numb? That's a fun idea. As it turns out, hormonal nose smelling is stronger than cold germs. So I could still smell every reeky smell for miles around. Through the gobs of snot.

2. You know how when you get a cold, you can't sleep (unless of course, coerced by a dose or two of NyQuil)? Well, the husband reports that I am out like a log within minutes and snoring a few seconds later. Turns out that creating another person's fingernails and such is still tiring enough to overrule Mr. Mucus.

3. You know how orange juice is so great when you have a cold? Not only is it a great placebo, but it really does shoot you up with great Vitamin C. Well, sometimes when you're pregnant, the acid from said squished oranges builds up and contributes to a nice, healthy dose of indigestion on top of its other healthy benefits. Niiiiccceee.

Overall, however, I'm happy to be breathing through only semi-clogged nostrils and I'm seriously dying to get a little exercise in again. (Yes, the baby and I regularly do the elliptical machine still. Unless my head has been otherwise taken over by an army of throat scratching, nose clogging cold germs.)

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I had a bad cold/sinus infection a few weeks ago. It seriously about did me in! Glad you are feeling better. Hey, FYI: exercise during pregnancy helps create better sleep cycles for your keep up with the elliptical! :)
Now that my pelvic bones feel like they are ripping apart, I only do the gym once, at the most twice a week. But, hey, I get points for effort!


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