Showing posts with label Running (or lack thereof). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Running (or lack thereof). Show all posts

Sunday, June 01, 2008


Reasons I have not blogged include but are not limited to: selling my car privately and showing it to a lot of tire kickers, buying another car, having fun with friends, and stepping on a nail that went deep into my foot.

That last one really, really, really sucks.

Luckily, it is my right foot... not the one with the plantar issue. Right when I am starting to get back into the groove of things, this happens. Not sure when I will run again as I cannot even walk.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Why I did not run tonight...

Tornadoes. Seriously, there are funnel clouds all around my neighborhood. Therefore, running might not be the best idea as we don't have many ditches here in super-flat Charleston.

I will resort to working out inside and I WILL run tomorrow morning. I WILL.

Friday, May 09, 2008

It's a start.

I ran/walked two miles today. Yeaaaah. That is about where I am right now. It took me 26 minutes. I have a waaaay to go.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

This might be the worst running blog ever created...

Why is it the worst? I guess cuz I don't really talk much 'bout running lately. I should rename my blog to Me and My Free Weights or Me and My Pilate Mat or Me and My Elliptical Machine. Not much running though. And I am still OK with that. I still have yet to make it to the sports medicine place to look at my foot. So, I am keeping on working on and focusing on eating better.

And starting tomorrow on United flight #something at 6:30 AM- I am back on the road (or in the skies). To Chicago. Sweet, sweet Chicago. Still love that city :)

Monday, December 24, 2007


Back from vacation and ready to go back!! I have never taken a vacation right before the holidays and it kinda rocked. I came back all tanned and rested and everyone else looked ready to pull their hair out!

Isn't this pic unBELIZEable? How cheesy, right?

Spending the holidays in Charleston and doing a couple home improvement projects- painting, organization, etc. Worked like a madwoman today on new closet shelving. Woohoo!

Hoping to get into the foot doctor this week to evaluate my foot which still hurts like holy hell when I run. I can only take so much of the elliptical and bike. Tiff need run.


Thursday, December 06, 2007

The life and times of Tiff!

What a week- three cities in three days and I am whipped. Luckily, I have gotten into a groove of working out and doing non-running things to make my foot feel better- biking, elliptical, stairmaster, but it is not the same.

I wish I had these biking skillz

I just don't get the same high I do from running. I might take a couple tips that I received from Mike and try to get through it. My Kiawah half (that I will not be running but spent $70 on) is this Saturday. Oh well, oh hell!

On a good front- 2 days til I leave for my cruise! We are hitting Grand Cayman, Belize, Roatan, and Cozumel! I am about ready to have a nervous breakdown from working long hours, traveling all over, and end of year stress. Can't wait.

Happy trails to all... damn it is nice to be home for a couple days!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bad bad bad bad blogger Tiff

I know, I have been MIA. Been running a little bit, lots of foot pain, lots of travel.

In Lexington, KY this weekend for my niece's baptism... at airport now heading to Phoenix for about 16 hours, then on to Chicago. Then home. Home sweet home.

Did 3 miles this morning through the good ole' Kentucky hills. Been a tad stressed lately about being ready for the Kiawah Half in only 3 weeks. Have had NASTY foot pain in my left foot- everyone seems to think it is plantars although I have not gone to doctor. Have not been home.


And if I do not run it, no big deal. I am a tad lackluster about running. Strangely, have felt this way since the Chicago Fun Run.

Sorry my blog is not really a source of inspiration today. That is why I read all of yours :)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Blackjack.... and I don't feel good :(

Let me start with my good news... I hit the gambling boat down in Savannah on Friday night and won $500!!! Yipppee!!

Blackjack has always been one of my favorite games... hours spent at the tables glaring at the cards, doubling down, hoping for the bust. I immediately started winning so I was able to play with winnings for most of the night, therefore making more risky bets. I socked away $200 fairly quickly, keeping about $50 out to continue playing. I got on a hot streak and before I knew it, I was betting $50, $75, even up to $100 a hand! I normally am a $10-$20 a hand player so this even shocked me, especially when my friend came over and yelled, "Are you playing $75 a hand?!??!"

Things were going great- soon I had $600 in chips in front of me from that $50 seed money. I knew the casino was closing soon so I started to play a little riskier. I doubled down on a $50 bet (dealer showing a 7 and I had an 11).... and the gal in front of me had two 9's and SPLIT them... getting two 10's!! AUGH!! Of course, I got a 3. And lost $100. And she was playing $5 a hand. The funny thing is... I would have kissed her if she would have taken my 3 and I got a ten... but I will just blame her anyway.


OK, last call for blackjack... casino closing. I throw down $100 on my last hand. And I lost.

Oh well... $500 ahead is not bad- although I could've been up $800 if I hadn't lost the last two hands. I will take the win... and definitely be back on the boat!

The bad news? I have felt sick ever since. My friend I was hanging with (and drinking after) informed me of his "bug" yesterday afternoon and now I feel like crap. Clammy, sweaty, loss of appetite, running to bathroom every 10 minutes, etc.

Needless to say, I did NOT make it on my scheduled 12 miler this morning. I am shooting for tomorrow.


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Um hello? Long run? Are you still there?

OK, let me start by admitting I never got to my long run this weekend. One of my best pals got married this weekend and I was consumed by the bachelorette party, rehearsal, being a superstar bridesmaid, wedding, getting my nails done, tanning, dancing, etc. I did not allow the marathon to take over my weekend and did what I wanted. Now I am left with feelings of guilt because I did not run it yet....

But I AM running it tomorrow morning before I fly to Philadelphia.

I have to.

I will.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


So, reading the updates out in Blog World has been pretty depressing lately... injuries, folks having to drop out of races due to health issues and serving jail time, etc. OK, maybe not jail time... but still. Injuries are not good.

I am still alive. Not injured. Just unmotivated to blog.

My runs have been lackluster lately. Hot, muggy, waking up at 4:15 AM to beat the heat during the work week. Lots of work, travel, stress, relationship drama, etc etc etc.


So... I have not felt like blogging. I am hoping to get a rejuvenated spirit. I am a mere 6 weeks from Chicago and I feel like I am losing momentum... fast.

My first step to getting out of my rut was to post here.

Now I am accountable. I will only run with a smile on my face from now to October 7th.


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Tsk tsk, Tiff!

No, I did not run the race this morning.

Yes, I have a good excuse.

No, I am not telling you.