Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Five down and seven to go

I think this must be the longest anyone has taken to stitch Christmas At Hawk Run Hollow.  Talk about dragging it out.  Stitching always seems to be at the end of my to do things these days.  I keep promising myself that I will stitch each night but it just doesn't happen.  Anyway, back in July I finished Block five so here it is:

and a view of progress so far:

I guess it is not going to be finished in time for this Christmas either as I have started to stitch a birth sampler for my Grandson. 
I chose SB The Promise and will work in his details towards the end of the sampler.  I chose to stitch it in AVAS because I had all of the threads, but it is very pale.  Not a lot to show at this stage:

The colour is not good here as this is 32 count Belfast Platinum, so not grey at all.
So that is about it for now.  I should be taking advantage of a free day and sitting outside in the beautiful spring sunshine instead of fiddling around on the computer.
As always, thanks for popping in,


Anna Zont said...

CHS is amaizing!!! I am going to stitch it also. And SB is my love forever! Beautiful processes!!!

Carol said...

It's looking great, Mary! Having stitched that myself, I know how long each block takes--hang in there... And a big congratulations on your new grandson--such a pretty sampler you're stitching for him :)

Solstitches said...

Congratulations on your new grandson.
The SB piece is the perfect choice for a birth sampler.
Your Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow is magnificent! I'm sure I can beat you in the time it takes to stitch this kind of sampler because my HOHRH lies in my UFO pile and I daren not even think how many years old it is.

Sherry said...

HRH is looking wonderful! I really should pull one of mine out to start working on!