Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I have an antique !

Perhaps that should read "I am an antique" since I have had this object since it was new!
I called in at Alma's blog and saw her post re the tomatoes she had found and they looked very familiar so I opened my sewing box and this is what was in there:

It has the same little green top as hers which you can't see for all the pins, and mine came attached to this little stand (some 47 years ago).  The sewing basket that came with it from a very dear friend has long ago gone to God (as has the friend) but after all these years it has made me stop and remember her.  I don't think anyone will want to buy mine as because as you can see it has been well abused used - I should  say 'well loved' because it is used whenever I sew anything and it still has lots of the old fashioned pins in it.  Who would ever have thought that this very ordinary pin cushion would become a collectors' item ??!! 


Unknown said...

What a delightful piece and how fun to discover you have your very own antique tomato pinchushion. The stand is very unique, did yourfirend make it?

Mary said...

No Cari
it was definitely a bought one, she was not a craftsperson at all. I am still laughing at my 'find'.

Sue Madex said...

It is nice to have something that reminds you of your friend. I have my late grandmother's sewing basket and love the fond memories that flood back when I dig it out to sew up a hem. (About the extent of my sewing abilities!!)

Siobhán said...

Awww, that's neat, Mary! What a neat thing to rediscover--especially the memories of the friend that once owned it. :)