Showing posts with label finishes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label finishes. Show all posts

Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Halloween Pin Cushion Finally Finished!

Here is the finished project:

Happy Halloween
by La-D-Da
2009 JCS Halloween Issue
32ct Copper Penny Permin Linen
WDW: Onyx & Terra Cotta
Trimmed with Black Rick Rack
Filled with crushed glass

This was the first time I've sewn rick rack into a seam instead of on top of a piece. Actually, the last time I touched rick rack was on an apron I did in Home Ec. in Grade 9! I found a post on how to do it online...don't you just love Google! I thank my lucky stars for it every time I go to finish an ornament. I also thank all of you out there who take the time to post tutorials with my whole heart. :-D

I first backed the linen with muslin before sewing it together because of the crushed glass I used to fill it. I found that great stuff at my local quilting shop. I think it turned out pretty cute! My finishing is getting better, and I'm trying different ways of finishing instead of a pillow ornament all the time.

I'm glad this was a tiny piece as the Permin was HORRIBLE to stitch on! The tension was all loosey, goosey. Even in a hoop! It's too bad because the colour is fabulous! I have a 13 x 17 piece left over if anyone wants to try it. Leave a comment in this post and I'll draw a name and mail it to the lucky "winner"! Good more ways than one!

Happy Stitching and Good Luck!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Another finish!

Here is my latest finish! It is also my very first pillow ornament. I love how it turned out! I'm really glad I had my sewing machine serviced because it would have taken forever to sew it by hand.

Glory to God
Little House Needleworks
JCS 2008 Ornament Issue
32 count linen in Raw
Backing fabric olive green to match ribbon & DMC 730
Threads: DMC conversion
Royal Plum Mill Hill Seed Beads (#02012)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First Finish of 2009

I've finally finished something! It's also my first biscornu. Let me tell you, they look far more difficult than they actually are! I used the tutorial on which was the best one I found, especially when you get to the corners!

Holly Berries Mini Biscornu
Cherished Stitches
36 count mystery fabric
Gentle Art Sampler Threads in Pine & Briar Rose
Royal Plum Mill Hill Seed Beads (#02012)