Thursday, November 12, 2015


My baby Rhett will be six months old in a few weeks, so his four month post will be a little abbreviated.  Time is passing too quickly and this boy is growing up too fast.  He was supposed to stay my little baby for a long time, but he isn't!  He is more advanced than my other kids were at his age and it makes me a little sad.  Even though he is getting so big and so accomplished, I feel like I'm a little better able to relish my time with him.  I'm not sure why I feel that way.  I'm certainly a lot more busy now and he is growing up more quickly, but I feel like I'm soaking up every minute I have with him better than I did with the others.

Rhett had his four month well child check on Tuesday, September 29, 2015.  He was big and healthy, although his weight is still low for one of my children.  He gained four pounds since his two month check up so he jumped 20 percentile points.  He remains the tallest of all my babies.

Here are Rhett's FOUR MONTH stats:

Height: 26 inches, 85th percentile
Weight: 15 pounds 13 ounces, 58th percentile
Head: 42.5 centimeters, 76th percentile
Rhett is such a sweet little guy and I love having him around.  It's hard to believe he hasn't always been with us.  Here is a look at my Rhett.  At FOUR MONTHS, Rhett:
  • Wears size 1 diapers.
  • Wears size 3-6 and 6 month clothes.
  • Still doesn't wear shoes so I have no idea what shoe size he would be.
  • Has dark blue/gray eyes, but now they look like they have a little brown in them at the centers near the pupil.  I am really interested to see what color they turn out to be.  I don't think they'll be dark brown, but they won't be bright blue like Truman's either.  I think they might be a darker version of Audrey's gray eyes.
  • Started sitting in the Bumbo.  He's still kind of floppy, he needs to strengthen his core, but he's doing great and looks so big sitting there!
 This was taken on Tuesday, September 15, 2015.  My cute little man is getting so big!
  • Lost almost all of the hair he was born with.  We didn't notice it much though because new hair was already growing in.  So he never went bald or got any bald spots.  I can tell because the new hair is shorter and sticks up on top.  He has this cute little fuzzy head that I love to rub!  It is a soft to medium brownish color with some blond in it.  It doesn't seem to have any red in it at all.
  • Is starting to laugh!  It is the sweetest sound!  He started trying to laugh around August 12 and had his first real laugh on Thursday, September 17.  I was playing with him and laughing and he just started laughing and laughing.  It was precious!
  • Is very loved by his siblings.  Audrey is so good with him.  She will pick him up and hold him and play with him and sing to him.  He really seems to love her and responds to her attention.  Truman loves to talk and play with Rhett and can really make him laugh.  Genevieve just gives him tons of kisses and talks to him all day.  She'll lie next to him and always wants to be near him.  When I'm feeding him she always wants to sit on the side next to his head so she can give him kisses.
 Rhett with Audrey on Wednesday, August 26, 2015.

 Trumey T and Rhett on Friday, September 11, 2015.

 Genevieve and Rhett on Tuesday, September 8, 2015.
  • Has clammy hands and feet.  I don't know why, but they have always been this way.
  • Loves baths.  He now gets excited when he hears the water running and will splash and splash in the tub.  
  • Sometimes naps in his swing.  Actually, most of the time he naps in his swing.  I'm working on getting him moved to his crib.
 Rhett wearing the BYU onesie I wore as a baby on Saturday, September 5, 2015.
  • Finally started to settle into a bedtime.  By about August 17 he was going to bed between 8:00 and 8:30 pretty consistently.  I was so happy!
  • Got his first cold on August 30.  Poor baby!  Luckily it wasn't too severe and he got over it pretty quickly.
  • Is starting to grab things and put them in his mouth.  It's fun to see him start to reach for things and try and get what he wants.
Rhett grabbing a placemat on Monday, September 14, 2015.
  • Was really talking and gurgling by the beginning of September.  It's so much fun to hear him vocalize and make those sweet baby sounds.
  • Moved from the cradle in our room to the pack 'n' play in our closet on Sunday, September 13.  It was time for him to graduate.  He did great!
  • Rolled from his back to his tummy on Tuesday, September 15, at three and a half months old!  He had been rolling from his tummy to his back for a long time, but he finally did it the other way.  Once he did it one time that was it.  He started doing it all the time.  You would put him down and he would immediately flip over.  He is our earliest roller by about a month and a half.  Genevieve rolled at five months so Rhett definitely has her beat.
 You can see how this boy can roll in these pictures, taken Thursday, September 17, 2015.

 Now that he's rolling around he can get to more things to chew on!  Taken Thursday, October 1, 2015.
  • Sat in his high chair while we at dinner on Thursday, September 17.  He is always fussy at dinnertime.  He is tired and ready to eat and go to bed, but I have to keep him up for a little longer.  So dinner is usually stressful and miserable.  When we put him in his high chair he was much happier.  Maybe he just wanted to be part of the family!
  • Started going to bed awake and falling asleep on his own the week of September 20.  This is huge for me!  I love when they start learning to do this!
  • Is starting to suck and chomp on his fingers and fist.  I noticed him doing this the week of September 20.  I think it is adorable.  Again it just shows he isn't a tiny baby anymore.
  • Has started trying to get his feet into his mouth.  When he does it it's the cutest thing ever!
I am so thankful to have this little man in our family!  We all adore him and love his sweet spirit and personality!  We love you baby Rhett!

1 comment:

Jami said...

So I am obviously out of the loop. I didn't even know you had Rhett until we got you Christmas card. He is adorable.