Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Birthday Presents and Cookie Cake

We went back to the house after Glade and Cheri opened their mission call for birthday cake and presents.
Truman was so excited to open his gifts.  He was so great all day long and didn't bug me about opening them at all. But when it was finally time he was ready.

Truman loved getting Bucky from Grandma and Grandpa in Texas!

Grammy and Grandpa gave him this cool Spider-Man, another favorite of Truman's, and contributed to his big boy bed fund.

Truman requested chocolate chip cookies for his birthday.  I surprised him by making him a giant chocolate chip cookie cake.
I ended up writing on it at the last minute with some store-bought gel icing.  Not the prettiest, but my boy didn't mind!

Happy birthday handsome!

I think this is such a cute picture of Truman with Cheri and Glade.

We had to spend a little time playing with the toys before it was time to put them away and go to bed.
In addition to Bucky, Truman also got the Hook Battle Boat from Audrey and Genevieve, and the Jake spyglass from Matt and me.

We played for awhile and then it was bedtime.  The next morning Truman was downstairs and playing with his new toys before Matt and I got up.  It was nice because he didn't wake us up like he usually does.  I think he had a good birthday.

1 comment:

Jami said...

Eleanor saw the Spider-Man, and she wants him to come play. She loves Spider-Man.