Thursday, December 27, 2012

Soccer Season Ends with a Party!

The second Saturday in November signaled the end of soccer season for Audrey.  We had Truman's birthday party in the morning and then Audrey's final game that afternoon.  We all went to support her and when the game was over we headed to Round Table for a pizza party!
 Audrey and the whole team!
Emma, Sydney, Lucy, Audrey P., Camryn, and our Audrey.
A quick smile for the camera...

 ...then back to coloring.

 After we ate Coach got ready to hand out the trophies.  These girls really do love their coach.  You might notice that Audrey had to finish her picture before she could be bothered.  She loves Coach too and he's great with the girls.

 Coach Dessie called each girl up individually and talked about her skills and improvement during the year.  It was really sweet.  Then he handed them their trophy.

 I really like the trophies this year.  They are pretty cool!  Audrey was so excited to get hers even though she's barely smiling in this picture.

 Once the girls had their trophies the coaches were presented with their gifts.  Coach Dessie and Coach Brad each got a plaque and Coach Dessie also got a scrapbook from the season.  We hope they'll be back next year because we know we will be!
 My two handsome men.  I love these guys!

 Here are her official soccer pictures for the season.  We got them at the party and I think they turned out pretty cute!
Coach Dessie and Coach Brad.
Audrey, Audrey P., Camryn, Sydney, and Emma.  We were missing Lucy because she had a broken arm.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Truman's Jake Party! Part 2

Merry Christmas everyone!  I know I'm a day late, but I'm going to be even later by the time I get around to posting all of my Christmas pictures.  So Merry Christmas!

And now, the conclusion of Truman's Jake party from early November.
 After playing at the museum for awhile we rounded up the kids for cake and presents.

 Make a wish!

 I wish this picture was less blurry.  Audrey had a couple of friends at Truman's party--Chloe and Audrey P.  They had younger siblings Truman invited and came along.  It was perfect because having them there gave her some friends to play with.  Aren't they so cute!?

 Cute Dallin and Tyler.

 I have several pictures with Scarlett and Truman together.  They are so cute!  Scarlett is just a doll.

 Were were so glad cousin Roman could come.  Baby Jack was there too!

 Sean tagged along with big sister Junon.

 Max and Joshy.  Truman loves these boys and they "play" together often.

 We had a good mix of moms and dads at the party so everyone had someone to hang out with.

 Before the party we had a talk with Truman about being happy and grateful for his gifts and saying thank you.  For the most part he did a pretty good job.  Truman is usually one to say whatever comes into his mind and we're working on teaching him to filter.
 He did genuinely love all of his gifts from his friends.  They were all so thoughtful and he came home with Jake stuff, action figures, and lots of fun boy things.

 This little sock monkey is the one thing he didn't care for and made known.  As soon as he pulled it out of the bag he got this funny look on his face and loudly said, "This is a baby toy!"  Then he threw it behind him.  I was surprised but it was also very funny.  Luckily, the toy was a gift from the museum so there were no hurt feelings.  When we got home he shoved the monkey into Genevieve's arms so she could play with it.  It has now become her toy.

I neglected to get a group shot of all the kids, but after the presents they went to play for as long as they wanted while we cleaned up and headed home.  It was an awesome birthday!

Happy Birthday Truman!
Thank you everyone!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Truman's Jake Party! Part 1

When Audrey started talking about her birthday party way back in March of this year, Truman started talking about his.  We've kind of managed to skate by without giving Truman a big party so far, but I knew that would have to end this year.  He was so excited about it and told me all year about what he would have for his birthday party.  For awhile it was going to be a "jean" (green) party.  Then he wanted Cars, guys (action figures), and Jake.  It changed just about every day but the thing that remained constant was that he was going to have a party and invite all of his friends.

In September and October Truman finally settled on a Jake party and I started thinking, but not really planning.  By the time October rolls around I'm tired.  There are so many things to do with Halloween--events and parties and planning.  Also, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner and so they occupy a large part of my free mental space.  Add to it a new kindergartener with homework and a new baby and I'm pretty beat by mid-October.  But I couldn't disappoint my cute boy so I summoned up all the mental and physical fortitude I could and planned him a party.

Saturday, November 10, was the big day.  We started with breakfast at home.
We had doughnuts leftover from Truman's preschool party.
I got no complaints from my kids.
After breakfast we packed up the car and headed to the children's museum.  I decided that if we were going to have a party with more than two kids we needed to have it somewhere other than our house.  I settled on the children's museum because we happen to have a membership this year and it wasn't too expensive.  Truman got to invite 15 friends with parents and all we had to do was set up and clean up the room after the party.  I didn't have to plan any games or clean my house the day before or anything.  It was awesome.  Most of his friends were able to come and I think they all had a great time.  I know Truman really loved it.
We had the party in the morning because Audrey had a soccer game and final party later that day.  We arrived half an hour before the museum opened and had to wait a bit for the employee to arrive and open the doors for us.  She was a little late.  While we waited the kids found out what it was like to be a flower and octopus.

Truman's invitation.

I kept things really simple.  I was tired, remember.  Luckily Truman is easy to please.  I had someone on Etsy make up this Happy Birthday banner and then I strung it with some twine.

They had one big table for all the kids so we set it with Jake plates and napkins.  For the centerpiece I used the cupcakes and an assortment of tropical fruit and gold coins.  I figured the kids could eat the oranges and chocolate during the party.

I'll be honest, I don't particularly care for how the cupcakes turned out.  They looked different in my head.  I got the little printable from Etsy and just trimmed them and put them on toothpicks.  The cupcakes were supposed to have blue frosting (like water) and Nilla Wafer crumbs (like sand) and then treasure on top.  They look too busy and I made the mistake of frosting them the night before and then putting the toppers on the morning of, so the frosting had already crusted over and ended up cracking.  Oh well.  They tasted good and the kids loved the extra candy.  Truman liked them so that's really all that mattered.
In theory it was a good idea.
I just don't care for the final result.

It was early enough in the day that we didn't need to feed the kids so we just had the fruit, cupcakes, and drinks.
I made up these pirate booty bags for the party favors.  I forgot to take pictures of the contents of the bags though!  Inside each child got a box of crayons, several Jake coloring sheets, a package of rainbow Goldfish crackers, Rolos, and Hershey's Nuggets.  I think that's everything.  I'm having a hard time remembering now!

The gift table.

The museum has a giant Light Bright type toy that is pretty cool.  One of the dad's spelled Truman's name in lights!

The kids arrived and went to play.  They played and played and had a great time.  It really is a fun little museum.  My kids love it and I love that I can sit and watch them without having to chase them around and worry about losing them.
Audrey, Truman, and Scarlett.

Cute Dallin.  I was so glad he could come.  We don't get to see this boy as often as I would like and I want him to be friends with Truman.

Max and some random boy.

We had a pretty good mix of moms and dads who came with their kids.  Here Dorothy and Tessa catch up.  We all had babies within a two month time-period.

Matt holding Genevieve and Ryan.

This dinosaur is pretty cool because you can control its movement.  Max and Roman checked it out.
Roman played here for quite awhile.

Audrey working on her teeth brushing skills.

Dallin and Roman digging in the construction pit.

More pictures of all that happened after playtime to come!