Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Truman's First Movie Night

I had this idea that we would celebrate fall and Halloween throughout the entire month of October by having a movie night every week.  On Monday, October 24, we let Truman join us for the first time ever.  We were watching Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie, which is only about an hour long, so I thought Truman might make it.  Truman has just recently been showing an interest in TV, which is fine with me.  Audrey always loved TV and would do nothing but sit and watch it all day if I'd let her.  We have to have some pretty strict TV watching guidelines at our house.  But Truman has never been too interested until recently.  I figured an hour long movie would be a good first movie night for him.
He was immediately hooked.
Truman really seems to like Winnie the Pooh anyway and this movie was right up his alley.  It was a pretty cute movie and perfect for our preschool/toddler crowd.
A little ways in Matt decided to make some popcorn.  Truman's never really had popcorn before so this was another first.
He loved it!  He ate all of his, some of Matt's, and some of Audrey's.
He started to get a little antsy but finally settled down with his Pops.

When the movie ended everyone danced to the music playing during the credits.  Audrey insists on this every single time we watch a movie.  She always says "Dance with me, Pops!"  She really just wants her dad to dance with her, but sometimes I join in too.
It turned out to be a very fun first movie night for Truman!  The rest of us had a good time too!

Earlier that day, before we took Audrey to preschool, I got some more pictures of the kids with our pumpkins.  Audrey and Truman were so excited to see the Phineas and Ferb pumpkin that Matt had carved the night before.  There are a lot of pictures just because I think the kids look so cute!

1 comment:

Misty said...

The kids DO look so cute! Looks like you guys have been super busy this month. So fun!