Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Farm, Part One

On the second Saturday in October, the 8th, you could find us at the pumpkin farm for our traditional trip to pick pumpkins.  Since we first moved up here, I have warmed up to the idea of picking pumpkins from an actual field and getting a little muddy.  This year our trip was particularly nice because Truman is walking and didn't need to be carried.  Audrey's another year older too so she had an easier time traipsing through the pumpkin vines.  It's amazing the difference having two mobile children can have on everyone's moods and the overall outcome of the trip.

On pumpkin patch day we always start early.  Our goal is to make it to the farm by 9:00 and this year we were only a little later than we planned.  It's perfect for us; we get a good parking spot, don't have to fight anyone for picture spots, make it to the field to get our pumpkins without having to wait in line, leave just as the farm gets crowded, and have time to stop for lunch at McDonald's on the way home.

Before we could head to the pumpkin field we had to play for awhile.  For me this meant pictures with pumpkins and other fall-ish things.
My kids are less than cooperative.  Audrey was mad I made her take off her jacket and kept complaining she was cold.  It really wasn't all that cold.  In fact, the weather was quite warm for October and there wasn't a gray cloud in sight!
It is nearly impossible to get this little guy to smile for the camera anymore.  Oh, how I miss the days when he would break out into huge grins just because I smiled at him.  But he did really like the "pum-beems."

Audrey did a little better.
I can't believe how big this girl is.  The first time we went to the pumpkin farm Audrey was almost 16 months old.  Now look at her!

I love this cute little family of mine!

I love this picture of the two of them.  It looks like Audrey is listening intently to something Truman is telling her.

After obliging me I obliged them and let them play in the straw maze.  We also checked out some of the animals, including a donkey, emus, reindeer, pigs, and chickens.

Truman didn't like having to touch the straw to climb up to the slide.  It stuck to his hands, thus the face in the above picture.

Look closely at Audrey and Truman's faces.  This year the slide was a bit too steeply angled and when they came out the bottom their little bums suffered.

This is Truman walking around, holding his bum after he went down the slide and saying "Bum.  Bum.  Bum.  Hurt."  Poor kids.  They only tried it twice this year.

Truman insisted on having his picture taken with this giant crow.

I think Truman's favorite thing at the farm was riding the tractors.

My little farmers.

Next up, the pumpkin patch!


Jami said...

Very fun. That slide is really neat looking.

Misty said...

Very cute! You guys are smart to go early in the morning. Our kids got run over by all the older kids running through the hay maze. However, we did go on a week day so we didn't have the option of going in the AM. Looks like fun so far. Can't wait to see the rest!

Diana said...

Love all the pics! We, too, went to Hunter Farms but on Columbus Day. It actually wasn't crowded at all but VERY rainy! When we took our trip back to the pumpkin patch it stopped raining luckily ;)