Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Here is a sneak peek at our costumes.  Many more pictures to follow!
Happy Haunting!

I Know What We're Gonna Do Today

By the time we made it home from the Pumpkin Walk on Saturday I knew that the kids were too sick for church.  Truman's nose was a faucet so he couldn't go to nursery and Audrey asked to go right to bed.  That's an unheard of request from our girl.  She had started coughing pretty badly while we were out so I thought it was best to keep her out of close proximity to other kids.

Sunday, October 23, the kids and I stayed home.  When Audrey woke up she seemed better but was still coughing.  Truman's nose was still running but he didn't let it slow him down too much.  Audrey asked if I would paint her fingers and toes and because I hadn't painted them in ages, and because we had some time on our hands, I agreed.  Truman saw what was going on and was immediately interested.  It didn't take long before he was requesting painted toes too.  I felt bad for the poor boy and he wouldn't understand if I had said no, so I fulfilled his request.
 They were both so pleased with the results.

 Audrey chose dark pink for her toes and pale pink for her fingers.

 These chubby toes belong to Little T.  I picked green for him because it's the most masculine color I own.  The thing that's funny about it is that right now, one week later, Audrey's expensive Nicole nail polish has started to wear off.  Truman's cheap Wet 'n' Wild stuff doesn't even have a chip on his little boy toes.

 Cute little feet!

 While Truman took another shorter than usual nap, Audrey set up this store.  We took turns buying things from each other.
 This was interesting so I had to take a picture of it.  She tied her socks to the chair.  I'm not sure why, but I'm sure it made complete sense to her.

That night our plan was to carve our pumpkin.  The kids were doing a lot better so we went ahead with our plans.  Audrey is a pro now, having helped with several pumpkins in the past, but it was all new to Truman.  I was impressed at how quickly he got in there to help.
 This year our pumpkin was 21 pounds, purchased at Fred Meyer when they had them on sale for 18 cents a pound.  We always buy our big pumpkins there because it's so much cheaper than the pumpkin patch.
 The kids were wearing their Halloween jammies.  They don't match this year but are still really cute.

 The kids enjoyed helping their Pops clean all of the guts out of the pumpkin.  Truman thought it was kind of yucky but he helped anyway.

 Once the pumpkin was cleaned we put Truman to bed.  Audrey got to stay up a little later for a special treat.  While Matt worked on carving our chosen design I worked on a little treat, Halloween pudding, which I will post more about later.
 When Matt finished carving our pumpkin had...

 ...and Ferb!

 It looks great!  I might be biased, but I think we have the coolest pumpkin around.  We are definitely Phineas and Ferb fans around here.  Remember last Halloween?  I'm so glad Matt doesn't mind carving the pumpkins because I really don't enjoy it.  I'm happy to take pictures and watch the others get dirty.
I wish I could take a good picture without the flash, but I can't.  You can take my word that our pumpkin looks awesome when it's all lit up.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Walk

Okay, so after this post I will only be one week behind!  I'm desperately trying to get all (most) of my Halloween pictures posted before Halloween is long gone.  So be prepared for (hopefully) a barrage of posts this week.

Saturday, October 22, we took our annual trip to the Pumpkin Walk.  Our plan this year was to have Grammy come with us, but since she was recovering from her illness she stayed home to rest.  On the drive there I looked in the backseat to see that Truman had removed his shoes and socks and was, well...
...nonchalantly chewing on his toes.  Is it normal for an almost two year old to still suck on his feet?
Audrey sucked on her toes some when she was a baby, but never as much as Truman and definitely not as long.
It still cracks me up though and I think he's so cute.

We were lucky to have good (meaning, not raining) weather for our outing.
Our first stop was the little straw maze for the kids.  It was pretty easy and Audrey breezed through it and  Truman thought it was so fun to show Matt and me which way we needed to go.
Next up was the bouncy house.  This is our third year at the Pumpkin Walk and our first year to do anything other than just see the pumpkins.  We've always managed to avoid the kid activities.  The first year Audrey was little and last year we didn't want to mess with it because Truman was little so we steered Audrey away from all of it.  But this year we knew we'd have to give in.  Turns out, it wasn't bad at all.
It was not easy trying to get pictures of the kids bouncing around.  This is the best I could do.

The funniest part of the whole experience was when it was time for the kids to get out of the bouncy house.  The way they do it is they let a few in at a time and they get several minutes to bounce and play.  When their time is up they all get out and the next group gets to get it.  It was time for Audrey and Truman's group to get out and Truman fell down on his tummy.  Another little boy, about the same age, saw him and jumped right on top of him.  He just laid there on top of Truman and wouldn't get off.  Truman started yelling and the other parents kept telling their son to get off.  Audrey went over to help and tried pushing him off but he stayed until he was ready and then got up.  I suppose I could have been annoyed, but no one got hurt and it was pretty funny.

We did a little fishing.

Then Audrey really wanted to get her face painted.  They had high school girls painting the faces and they did a pretty good job.  Not pros, but cute.
Audrey wanted a white and purple unicorn.

We managed to get Truman to sit still long enough for one of the girls to paint a pumpkin on his cheek.

It can get pretty dark out there so we've learned to bring out own light.  Audrey had the flashlight so Truman had to have the head lamp.  He's our own little miner.
We waited in line for awhile...
...and then finally made it to the pumpkins!
I love coming here and seeing all of the creations.  Anyone can bring a pumpkin to line the walk through the forest.  Some are very basic and some are very artistic.

We were quite impressed by this alien head.

It's a fun little walk and we always get some good ideas.

Kung Fu Panda had all of his friends carved into pumpkins on the table next to him, but I didn't get pictures of them.
Audrey liked Rapunzel.

And Truman was thrilled to see Elmo.  He never watches Sesame Street but somehow he knows Elmo and loves him.

The kids did really well even though they were still kind of sick.  In fact, by the time we got home Truman seemed miserable and we were happy to put both of them to bed.

We had a great night together and had fun kicking off our Halloween celebrations!