Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Computer problems.

In case you were wondering, that's why I haven't posted in almost two weeks.  I'm still here, but with technical difficulties.

Actually, the reasons I haven't been able to post are fourfold:
  1. The aforementioned computer problems.  About three weeks ago our computer started acting up.  I'd be working on something and the screen would suddenly go black, then blue.  The blue screen had a lot of words on it and said something about making sure software was installed correctly and then at the bottom had the words, "Crash dump."  "Well that can't be good," I would think to myself.  The screen would then go black again and I'd have to hold down the power button to turn it off.  Usually I'd wait awhile, turn it back on, and click the OK button for Windows to check for a solution.  It would work fine the rest of the day but would probably do again a day or two later.  So at the beginning of last week it did it twice in a row, the second time immediately after I logged in.  That scared me a bit so I left it off until Matt could make sure all of our important files (meaning pictures) were transferred over to our external hard drive.  Three and a half years ago the laptop we were using crashed and we lost a few pictures so we got the external hard drive.  Thank goodness.  He didn't get the files transferred over until this week so it was off all of last week, which brings me to number two.
  2. I am now working on a laptop.  Late last week Matt brought me his old laptop from work to use.  About all I could do was check my email though.  Now we've got everything hooked up so I have a mouse and printer and can access the external hard drive.  But it's still a laptop.  And laptops are kind of annoying with their small keyboard and screen and keys in the wrong place.  I'm grateful to have it, but it does slow me down and it is slower than our other computer.  Also, it's a computer I'm not as familiar with, which leads me to number three.
  3. I don't know how to download the pictures from my camera yet.  I'm sure I could figure it out, but my frustration threshold for technology is quite low and it's probably a safer bet to have Matt help walk me through it the first time.  I like to figure out how to do something and then do it that way forever.  Little things like switching banks (which we recently did) or getting a new cell phone increase my frustration level to a point that I sometimes want to throw things.  This is why I am perfectly happy with my almost three year old slide cell phone with numbers, no full keyboard or touchscreen, that I use to make and receive calls only.  I don't even use the camera function on it.  I have a camera for that.  I know.  I sound like an old lady.  I just don't like have to re-figure out everything I once knew because technology changed. 
  4. I have to teach Relief Society on Sunday.  Even though I've had a computer this week, and earlier in the week Matt was home and could have helped me download pictures, I resisted because I knew I had a lesson to prepare.  So tonight while Matt was at meetings I chose a topic and wrote the first draft of my lesson.  Tomorrow night I'll go over it and make any changes and get everything gathered together and printed and then I'll be done.
Friday night I should be back to blogging.  I have a lot to catch up on and I'd like to at least get the Easter pictures posted.  So you can look for me then.  See you Friday!


Misty said...

You make me laugh.

Over here we call that screen...The Blue Screen of Death. That's why my sister got a Mac.

I hope to never lose pictures. I'm ultra paranoid and so hopefully I've taken enough preventative measures! Hopefully I'll never have to find out!

Marci said...

Good luck! Computer problems are the worst!!!

Adam & Kristen Birkmeyer said...

You're an amazing blogger. :) And how ironic, I have to teach Relief Society on Sunday as well! Although, you are way ahead of me, I've just now started thinking about my lesson.