Showing posts with label update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label update. Show all posts


12/12/2011 an update


Ok so I haven't posted for a while (again!). In all honesty this has mostly been down to moving house (now living in Gloucester) and a host of other grown up stuff that I as a 32 year old should be well experienced at coping with but clearly am not (I mean in this day and why should I take 2 mins out of my busy schedule of watching Beasts of War and playing World of Tanks to record a meter reading or go to Tescos customer services because an offer on Frij milkshake hasn't worked? Oh? The limited edition isn't part of the offer? WELL DON’T PUT IT RIGHT NEXT TO ALL THE OTHER F*CK*NG FRIJ MILKSHAES THAT ARE IN THE OFFER THEN!)


Rant Over


In real terms living in a new place has given me easier access to both GW Gloucester and the Cheltenham Warchiefs gaming group oh and my Roleplaying buddies over at IWARPUK but in all honesty I haven't had a chance to go to any of them since moving, and now with the Christmas season being upon us (and me feeling rather Christmassy this year) I doubt I will have a chance this year.


but…  there is always next year and I hope to lead or more true gamer lifestyle from this January onwards.

Watch this space


Blood Angels Update.

Here are some new shots of my Blood Angels.


My Razorback:


This was originally Black to go with my Death Company but it just didn’t gel with the rest of my force so I decided to redden it up.

Next A Rhino:


I never go anywhere without my trusty Hunter Killer Missile quite a few kills it has now!


And finally my Furioso Dreadnought:


A nice simple conversion of the AoBR Dreadnought with some Forgeworld Dreadnought arms I got on eBay.


There's gonna be some changes around here.

The more observant readers amongst you will have noticed that a few things are changing on this blog. Well hold on to your hats because it's going to be a wild ride...

Not really I'm just going to be messing around a bit for a while with the look and feel of the blog.

Hopefully this will improve the generic look and make it a little more to look at.

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