Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Raising Funds!

No pics today, but a quick little tid-bit.  I am walking in the March for Babies event here in Tacoma, WA in May.  I am wanting to raise funds, and awareness for the March of Dimes Organization.

So, now through the end of March I am offering 1 hr photo sessions for $50, or 1/2 hr photo sessions for $25.  $40/$20 of each session will go directly to the March of Dimes. I know many of you who read my blog are not from around here, but if you could spreas the word I would really appreciate it!

And, if you just want to donate to this great organization, just click on the banner at the top of my page!

You can find a lot of my work on my photography blog, and on Facebook!
Email me at: (at) gmail (dot) com